Fri. Oct 18th, 2024





EU Parliament: New rules to freeze and confiscate the proceeds of crime

The new legislation on seizing criminal assets would ensure fast and efficient freezing and confiscation everywhere in the EU and improve the rights of victims in these processes. The European Parliament has voted to approve the result from inter-institutional negotiations on new legislation to boost the freezing and confiscation of criminal assets. The agreement was adopted with 598 votes in favour, 19 against, and 7 abstentions.

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EU Parliament backs tighter EU rules for toy safety

The draft rules aim to decrease the number of unsafe toys sold in the EU single market and better protect children from toy-related risks.
On Wednesday, Parliament approved its position on revamped EU rules on toy safety with 603 votes in favour, 5 against and 15 abstentions. The text responds to a number of new challenges, mainly stemming from digital toys and online shopping, and converts the existing directive into a directly applicable regulation.

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Main results of the EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council, 12 March 2024

“Clearly, productivity is a strong driver of competitiveness and we note that average productivity growth has stagnated in the EU over the last decade. Social investments and reforms are a crucial means to relaunch our productivity. Therefore, we urgently need to focus more on innovation, research and development, good education, upskilling, reskilling, and active labour market policies in the EU” – Vincent Van Peteghem, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

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EU accession negotiations to start with Bosnia and Herzegovina

Today, the EU Commission recommended to open EU accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina and discussed the upcoming oral report to the Council on the progress made by Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. The Commission has also finalised proposals for the draft Negotiating Frameworks with Ukraine and Moldova to be submitted to the EU Council.

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EU and Switzerland adopt their mandates for negotiations on future relations

The Commission welcomes the Council’s decision authorising the European Union to enter into negotiations with Switzerland on a broad package of bilateral measures, together with the corresponding negotiating directives.
This follows the Commission’s recommendation for a mandate, presented on 20 December 2023, based on the EU-Swiss Common Understanding which was reached after 18 months of intensive exploratory talks. The Swiss Federal Council adopted its mandate to launch negotiations with the EU on 8 March 2024.

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Russia’s war: EU individual sanctions over territorial integrity prolonged for a further six months

The Council decided today to prolong the restrictive measures targeting those responsible for undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine for another six months, until 15 September 2024. The existing restrictive measures provide for travel restrictions for natural persons, the freezing of assets, and a ban on making funds or other economic resources available to the listed individuals and entities. Sanctions will continue to apply to over 2100 individuals and entities, many of which are targeted in response to Russia’s ongoing unjustified and unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine.

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EU sanctions: New rules to crack down on violations

MEPs have approved new rules to harmonise the enforcement of EU sanctions across member states.
With 543 votes in favour, 45 against, and 27 abstentions, the European Parliament has adopted a directive, agreed with member states, on criminalising the violation and circumvention of EU sanctions. It will introduce a common definition of, and minimum penalties for, violations. EU sanctions can consist of freezing funds and assets (including crypto-assets), travel bans, arms embargoes, and restrictions on business sectors. While sanctions are adopted at the EU level, enforcement relies on member states, amongst which definitions of sanction violation and associated penalties vary.

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EU countries should ratify Convention on Violence and Harassment at work

On Tuesday, Parliament gave its consent to the Council decision inviting member states to ratify the International Labour Organisation’s Violence and Harassment Convention. Across the world, more than one in five people in employment has experienced violence and harassment at work, whether physical, psychological, or sexual. Women are disproportionately affected: one in three women in the EU has experienced a form of physical and/or sexual violence, of which about a third experienced this harassment at work.

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Defective products: Revamped rules to better protect consumers from damages

On Tuesday, MEPs adopted new EU consumer-protection rules to better respond to increased online shopping, emerging technologies and the transition to a circular economy. EU consumers will soon have easier access to compensation for damage caused by defective products. MEPs adopted revamped rules previously agreed on with EU governments on 14 December 2023, with 543 votes in favour, 6 against and 58 abstentions.

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Cyber Resilience Act: MEPs adopt plans to boost security of digital products

On Tuesday, Parliament approved new cyber resilience standards to protect all digital products in the EU from cyber threats. The regulation, already agreed with Council in December 2023, aims to ensure that products with digital features are secure to use, resilient against cyber threats and provide enough information about their security properties. Important and critical products will be put into different lists based on their criticality and the level of cybersecurity risk they pose. The two lists will be proposed and updated by the European Commission. Products deemed to pose a higher cybersecurity risk will be examined more stringently by a notified body, while others may go through a lighter conformity assessment process, often managed internally by the manufacturers.

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Deep Dive Recap: The Sahel and the Gender Perspective

On 13 November 2023, the NATO International Military Staff (IMS) Office of the Gender Advisor convened its third regional Deep Dive session on the Sahel and the Gender Perspective. The discussion centred on the challenges that women and girls face in the region in amidst volatile political and security environments. It also explored how different local and international actors are promoting the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda in the Sahel.

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NATO SG wraps up meeting of Foreign Ministers

Turning to the situation on the ground, Mr Stoltenberg underlined the substantial progress made by Ukraine this year, both on land and in the Black Sea. Meanwhile, he said that Russia is losing political influence in its near abroad, has incurred more than 300,000 casualties and lost a substantial part of its conventional forces, and is under economic pressure.

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UN Security Council: Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon on Gaza

As we look towards the Middle East, a tragedy is unfolding in front of our very eyes. Israel has suffered the worst terror attack in its history and Palestinians are experiencing a devastating and growing humanitarian crisis as a result of the ensuing Israeli military action. Mr. President, every life matters. Israeli or Palestinian. Every innocent civilian life lost, Palestinian or Israeli, is a tragedy. Indeed, we also collectively mourn the loss of all innocent, innocent lives lost, including those of UN personnel delivering vital life saving aid in Gaza.

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EU Commission and the HR present a strategic and forward-looking report on EU-Türkiye relations

The Joint Communication builds on and updates the Joint Communication submitted by the Commission and the High Representative to the European Council in March 2021. It outlines the state of play of EU-Türkiye relations in key areas and sets out recommendations, aiming to advance relations in a strategic and forward-looking manner, in the current fast-changing, geopolitical and security environment.

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MEPs warn of Chinese influence over vital European infrastructure

In a new report, MEPs warn of the risks of growing Chinese influence over European critical infrastructure and calls on the EU to take action to reduce crucial vulnerabilities. In the report, MEPs examine how China, through its so-called military-civil fusion (MCF) strategy, is increasingly gaining access to and exercising influence over European critical infrastructure.

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Statement of the Conference of Presidents on support for Ukraine

The leaders of the Political Groups of the European Parliament, meeting in the Conference of Presidents, today reiterate their unwavering solidarity with and pay tribute to the brave people of Ukraine, the laureates of the 2022 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, who are courageously defending their country’s independence and territorial integrity, while also defending freedom, democracy and their country’s European future against the brutal Russian regime.

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Eurojust/Europol: Ransomware group dismantled in Ukraine in a major international operation

Judicial and law enforcement authorities from seven different countries have joined forces in an action against a criminal network responsible for significant ransomware attacks across the world. These attacks are believed to have affected over 1,800 victims in 71 countries. The perpetrators targeted large corporations, effectively bringing their business to a standstill and causing losses of at least several hundred millions of euros. 

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Energy emergency: EU Commission proposes to extend measures by one year

The European Commission has today proposed a 12-month prolongation of the emergency measures introduced last year in response to the energy crisis provoked by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and weaponisation of its energy resources. While the situation on the European energy market is more secure than 12 months ago, the Commission is proposing this extension to further enhance security of gas supply and strengthen market resilience. The three measures proposed for extension today comprise the so-called gas solidarity measures, the Market Correction Mechanism (MCM) and the rules related to permit-granting for renewable energy projects. Their continued application now needs to be agreed upon by the Council, in line with the Article 122 procedure.

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Finland and Sweden hold historic joint security meeting in Helsinki

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo and Prime Minister of Sweden Ulf Kristersson met in Helsinki on Monday 27 November. Items on the agenda included bilateral relations between the countries, the security situation and other topical international and EU issues. The discussion also addressed recent events at Finland’s eastern border.

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EEX to launch Baltic-Finnish gas markets on 27 May 2025

The European Energy Exchange (EEX) will add natural gas products for Baltic-Finnish markets to its platform, currently operated by GET Baltic within EEX Group. The product portfolio will comprise products for the gas spot (Within-Day, Day, Weekend) and derivatives (Month, Quarter, Season, Year) products for Lithuania, common market area of Latvia-Estonia and Finland.

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TTC meeting: EU and U.S. take stock of their trade and technology cooperation

At a stakeholder meeting on Crafting the Transatlantic Green Marketplace, which takes place on 31 January, stakeholders will present their views and proposals on how to make transatlantic supply chains stronger, more sustainable and more resilient. A series of workshops will take place to boost the transatlantic green marketplace and to promote good quality jobs for the green transition, as well as workshops on the solar supply chain, permanent magnets and investment screening.

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sewage, b224, illuminated

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 29 January 2024

URBAN WASTEWATER: EU Council background concerning the deal on new rules for more efficient treatment and monitoring +++ EU Parliament background concerning the deal on more efficient treatment and reuse of urban wastewater +++ EU Commission welcomes provisional agreement for more thorough and more cost-effective urban wastewater management +++ RIVER INFORMATION: EU Commission proposes to modernise river information services in EU +++ GRAPHENE OXIDE: Nanopinion: Graphene oxide reduces the toxicity of misfolded Alzheimer’s proteins +++ HEALTH STRATEGY: EU Global Health Strategy: EU Council approves conclusions

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ozone, sphere, atmosphere

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 29 January 2024

OZONE: Fluorinated gases and ozone-depleting substances: EU Council greenlights new rules to reduce harmful emissions +++ EU Commission welcomes adoption of ambitious rules to limit fluorinated gases and ozone-depleting substances +++ BMUB: Erfolg für den Klimaschutz – neue Vorgaben für fluorierte Treibhausgase +++ SUSTAINABLE FINANCE: The EBA seeks inputs from credit institutions on the classification methodologies for exposures to ESG risks

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windmill, wind turbines, turbines

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 29 January 2024

LOW-CARBON FUELS: The GHG Protocol Update should include Market-Based Accounting +++ PALM OIL: Uncovered: Oil giant ENI still using palm products despite pledge to quit – T&E +++ WIND ENERGY: Bundesnetzagentur startet Ausschreibungen für Offshore-Windenergie +++ UK: IAEA Mission Sees Progress in Nuclear and Radiation Safety in the United Kingdom, Notes Areas for Improvement +++ GERMANY: Bundesnetzagentur: Ener­gie Monitoring 2024 +++ Ursula Nestle wird erneut Vorsitzende der Strahlenschutzkommission.

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Urban wastewater: EU Council and Parliament reach a deal on new rules

The Council and Parliament extended the obligation to apply secondary treatment (i.e. the removal of biodegradable organic matter) to urban wastewater before it is discharged into the environment to all agglomerations of 1 000 p.e. or more by 2035. Derogations apply to smaller agglomerations and member states that have recently joined the EU and have therefore already had to make more recent significant investments to implement the current directive (i.e. Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia).

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climate change, global warming, environment

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 26 January 2024

HAMBURG CLIMATE SUMMIT: Speech by EU Commission President von der Leyen at the Hamburg Climate Summit +++ EU CLIMATE TARGETS: Meeting of the EP Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) +++ TIPPING POINTS
EESC: Scientists and civil society call for 10 decisive policy actions to avoid irreversible environmental and social tipping points +++ CLIMATE RISKS: UNCTAD raises alarms on escalating disruptions to global trade

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