Thu. Oct 17th, 2024



D-Day: Normandy Declaration at the commemorations of the 80th anniversary

“As we are tragically reminded that peace is not eternal and that security is not a given, the efforts to bolster our collective defense, deterrence and resilience are required more than ever. We reaffirm the centrality of NATO to European security as well as the importance of a stronger and more capable European defense that contributes positively to global and transatlantic security.”

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EU Commission sends requests for information on generative AI risks to 6 VLOPs and 2 VLOSEs under the DSA

Today, the Commission has formally sent requests for information under the Digital Services Act (DSA) to Bing and Google Search (Very Large Online Search Engines, or VLOSEs), as well as to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, and X (Very Large Online Platforms, or VLOPs). The Commission is requesting these services to provide more information on their respective mitigation measures for risks linked to generative AI, such as so-called ‘hallucinations’ where AI provides false information, the viral dissemination of deepfakes, as well as the automated manipulation of services that can mislead voters.

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DSA: EU Commission sends request for information to LinkedIn on potentially targeted advertising based on sensitive data

Today, the European Commission has formally sent LinkedIn a request for information under the Digital Services Act (DSA), asking for more details on how their service complies with the prohibition of presenting advertisements based on profiling using special categories of personal data. LinkedIn is also required to provide information about how it ensures that all necessary transparency requirements for advertisements are provided to its users.

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EU Commission adopts renewal of insurance equivalence decision for the US

Thanks to this decision, EU insurance groups will be able to calculate capital requirements for their operations in the US on the basis of local rules. By eliminating the need to reconcile with EU rules, European groups can continue to operate on an equal footing with their American counterparts, and to benefit from alleviated administrative burden and reduced costs. This decision has been adopted pursuant to Article 227 of the Solvency II Directive.

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EU Commission opens formal proceedings against AliExpress under the DSA

The Commission has opened formal proceedings to assess whether AliExpress may have breached the Digital Services Act (DSA) in areas linked to the management and mitigation of risks, to content moderation and the internal complaint handling mechanism, to the transparency of advertising and recommender systems, to the traceability of traders and to data access for researchers. On the basis of the preliminary investigation conducted so far, including the analysis of the risk assessment report sent by AliExpress in August 2023, the information published in its Transparency report and its replies to the Commission’s formal requests for information (from 6 November 2023 and 18 January 2024), the Commission has decided to open formal proceedings against AliExpress under the Digital Services Act.

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EU Parliament approved revised EU financial rules

MEPs have made sure that the revision of the EU’s Financial Regulation results in better budgetary scrutiny, respect for EU values and more transparency. In a plenary vote on Thursday, MEPs have adopted the agreement with the Council of the EU on modernising EU financial rules with 437 votes against 45 and 72 abstentions.

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EU design protection rules ready for new technologies and circular economy

The European Parliament approved update of the EU design rules making them ready for the digital age asagreed with the Council on 5 December 2023. In reaction to the emergence of new technologies such as 3D printing and artificial intelligence, protection of EU design will apply not only to physical objects but also to those visualised in a graphic, apparent from the spatial arrangement of items and will include animations, maps and fonts. To prevent improper use, the protection will not apply to those designs reproducing aspects of cultural heritage, such as artefacts, natural or cultural monuments.

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New cohesion policy: MEPs assess previous period and identify new priorities

Lessons learned from cohesion implementation between 2014 and 2020 should be reflected in the new cohesion policy after the current programming period, insist MEPs. Although in the 2014-2020 period the EU cohesion funds have been used to finance measures and initiatives to fight consecutive crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic or the Russian aggression of Ukraine, its positive impacts were felt across the EU contributing to support for SMEs and businesses, to climate and digital transition, research and innovation as well as employment and social inclusion.

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Victims’ rights: Stronger focus on tailored support for vulnerable victims

The update of the Victims’ Rights Directive focuses on addressing the shortcomings of the 2012 directive by ensuring victims are informed about their rights. It also proposes a quicker assessment of vulnerable victims (such as children, older people, persons with disabilities, victims of hate crime and victims in detention), seeks to ensure they can access specialist support, and improves support for victims to participate in criminal proceedings through better legal advice. Child victims should have access to specialised and age-appropriate services, including psychological and psychosocial services and legal aid, to support them.

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guns, weapons, shotgun

Deal on making firearms import and export more transparent to fight trafficking

On Thursday, negotiators from Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on updating rules to trace import and export of civilian firearms more effectively. The revised regulation aims to make import and export of firearms in the EU more transparent and more traceable, reducing the risk of trafficking. Under the updated and more harmonised rules, all imports and a vast majority of export of firearms for civilian use will be subject to closer supervision without compromising trade.

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EU lawmakers endorse compromise to expand digital tools in EU company law

The new rules will make company’s data more easily available, enhance trust and transparency in companies across member states, create more connected public administrations and reduce red tape for companies and other stakeholders in cross-border situations. It will thereby contribute to a more integrated and digitalised single market for companies.

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Slovakia: IMF Executive Board Concludes 2023 Article IV Consultation

Growth is forecast to increase to 2.1 and 2.6 percent in 2024 and 2025, while inflation is projected to continue moderating and return to target by end-2026. Consumption is projected to rebound as a pick-up in real wage growth boosts disposable income, while exports will continue recovering as supply conditions improve, offsetting the impact of a deceleration in EU-funded public investment.

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White House sends War Powers Report to the Senate

U.S. President Biden is providing this supplemental consolidated report, prepared by my Administration and consistent with the War Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148), as part of his efforts to keep the Congress informed about deployments of United States Armed Forces equipped for combat.

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EU Statement at the WTO Trade Policy Review of Hong Kong, China

“Hong Kong, China, has stated that these political developments do not undermine the principle of ‘One Country, Two Systems’, which is one of the fundamental tenets of Hong Kong, China’s open trade policy. Yet, our business community is concerned about the changes to Hong Kong, China’s otherwise very open business climate. Freedom of information and an independent judiciary are important benchmarks for EU businesses” – EU Statement at the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

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flaggs of china and the eu

Background briefing on the EU-China Summit on 7 December 2023

On Thursday 7 December 2023, the leaders of the EU and China will hold a summit in Beijing, China.. The summit will cover the following topics: EU-China relations, including economic and trade +++ China’s position concerning Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine +++ The situation in the Middle East +++ Climate change +++ Global health and pandemic preparedness

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Lebanon: France is deeply concerned by continued border clashes with Israel 

France reiterates its support for the Lebanese army, which upholds the country’s unity and stability. It reiterates its commitment to Lebanese sovereignty and to the full implementation of UN Security Resolution 1701 by all concerned parties. All parties must show the utmost restraint in order to prevent a regional conflagration from which Lebanon would not recover. These clashes affect the security of UNIFIL, whose ability to take action and ensure security must absolutely be preserved.

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Clean Energy Partnership: G7+ and Ukraine joint statement

This Partnership brings together the Government of Ukraine, bilateral donors, key international organisations and financial institutions and voices representing the private sector.  Following  the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London, we are proud to welcome the following new partners to the Clean Energy Partnership: the World Bank Group’s International Finance Corporation, whose $2 billion Economic Resilience Action platform is already investing in Ukraine’s green, resilient reconstruction; the UN Global Compact’s Ukraine Energy Initiative, which will act as a voice for its private sector signatories within the Clean Energy Partnership; and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), which aims to support Ukraine’s transition to a sustainable energy future by mobilising green investment.

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Europe unites against hate: Call to action launched

With today’s Communication, the Commission and the High Representative are stepping up their efforts to fight hatred in all its forms, by reinforcing action across a variety of policies, including security, digital, education, culture and sport. This includes additional funding to protect places of worship and will be backed up by the designation of Envoys with an explicit mandate to maximise the potential of EU policies to combat hatred. 

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EUBAM Libya: Jan Vyčítal appointed as new Head of Mission

Today, Jan Vyčítal was appointed as Head of Mission of the EU Border Assistance Mission (EUBAM) in Libya. He will succeed Natalina Cea as of 1 January 2024, and his mandate will run until 30 June 2025. Jan Vyčítal is a Czech civil servant and diplomat, who has worked at senior level for more than 20 years, and currently serves as Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Tunisia, with accreditation for Libya. He previously served as Czech Ambassador to Iraq and to Libya.

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Victims of terrorism: EU Council stresses need to improve support

The conclusions highlight that the remembrance of the victims of terrorism is critical for their recovery process, to foster social cohesion and for the defence of democratic values. They also point to the fact that victims must have a central role in remembrance policies because their testimonies are a powerful tool to raise awareness of the human consequences of terrorism and to prevent radicalisation.

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EU HRVP Borrell meets with the VP of Libyan Presidential Council Mousa Al-Koni

On 5 December, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission, Josep Borrell, met in Brussels with Mousa Al-Koni, Vice President of the Presidential Council of Libya. The discussion focused on how to enhance the ongoing cooperation between the European Union and Libya on key areas, including improving migration governance and management, as well as regional cooperation between Libya and the Sahel.

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wind power generation, windmills, wind energy

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 2 February 2024

REPOWER EU: La Commission verse 1,4 milliards d’euros de préfinancement à l’Espagne pour la mise en œuvre de son plan +++ ENERGY REGULATION: ACER publishes its report on the gas transmission tariffs for Portugal +++ Director Lorkowski in Moldova: 5th EU-MD Energy Dialogue, and Moldova’s 2023 +++ WIND ENERGY: HM King Frederik X of Denmark attends stone laying ceremony for cutting-edge wind turbine factory in Poland

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Sweden: A fast-paced year of work against antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

A high-level meeting on work against microbial resistance will be held at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in September 2024. Preparations for of this meeting began in 2023, and Ms Grape met with colleagues from around the world to discuss priorities for it. She has met with representatives of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the US Department of Health and Human Services, and the US Senate. She also participated in a dialogue ahead of a high-level meeting last December at Wilton Park in the UK, a part of the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

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EU and IFC to unlock over €500m in private sector investments for reconstruction in Ukraine

Through the agreement the European Union will provide up to €90 million in financial guarantees to support investments in Ukraine to IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, as part of IFC’s Better Futures Program (BFP). Mobilised investments under the program by the private sector are expected to reach more than €500 million across sectors including essential infrastructure and goods production, promoting decarbonisation and the preservation of livelihoods.

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coal, black, black and white

EU Commission approves €300m Polish State aid to alleviate social costs of closing coal and lignite power plants and lignite mines

Support to workers does not constitute State aid. The Commission found that the paid leave does not provide an advantage to the undertakings that close such an activity and thus does not constitute State aid. Regarding the severance payment, the Commission found that it provides an advantage to the undertakings in which these workers are employed. When an activity closes and an employee opts for the severance payment under the measure, the undertaking is relieved from severance payments obligations stemming from the applicable collective labour agreements.

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toolbox, socket, repair

Insight EU Environment Monitoring 1 February 2024

RIGHT TO REPAIR: Circular economy: EU Council and Parliament strike provisional deal on the right to repair directive+++EU Parliament on strengthening consumers’ right to repair+++EU-Abgeordnete Anna Cavazzini zur Trilogeinigung: Das Recht auf Reparatur kommt+++SUPPLY CHAINS:EU-Abgeordnete Niebler (CSU) zur Ablehnung der FDP beim europäischen Lieferkettengesetzes+++Grüne/EFA; Bundesfinanzminister und Bundesjustizminister stellen sich gegen das EU-Lieferkettengesetz

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EU Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum: Closing remarks by EU HRVP Borrell

Everything has been said. I will not repeat what has been said by my predecessors talking to this assembly, but I want to remark how aware we are that the Indo-Pacific region stands at the crossroad of global affairs and that our cooperation is more important than ever. 
We need to work together for our security, many dimensions of security – even economic security, cybersecurity, climate security, security against the manipulation of information, [and] security against terrorism.  

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sustainability, energy, tree

Insight EU Climate Monitoring 1 February 2024

CLIMATE DIPLOMACY: EU welcomes partners from Africa, Asia and the Pacific in Brussels to expand cooperation +++ Keynote speech by Commissioner Hoekstra at the EU Pacific day in Brussels +++ TRANSPORT EMISSIONS: Klimavorteil für E-Autos bestätigt – UBA +++ GERMANY: Natürlicher Klimaschutz: BMUV und KfW unterstützen Kommunen mit neuem Zuschussprogramm +++ Klimabündnis wächst auf 50 Unternehmen – Baden-Württemberg

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chemistry, molecules, h2

Insight EU Energy Monitoring 1 February 2024

EU Commission: AggregateEU – one year on +++ CEER appoints Māra Bērziņa as new Secretary-General +++ Update on SDG Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy +++ EP Briefing: Recast EU Regulation on Gas and Hydrogen Networks +++ Latest hydrogen industries’ headlines: Lhyfe builds green hydrogen plant in Germany.

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