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Meetings of EU Commission Members on 5 June 2023

05 June 2023

Mr Valdis Dombrovskis receives the Hon. Don Farrell, Special Minister of State and Minister for Trade and Tourism of Australia.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič receives representatives of InoBat.

Ms Věra Jourová speaks at the 5th Meeting of the Code of Practice’s Permanent Task-Force; speaks at the Roundtable of EU and Democratic Russia Representatives.

Ms Dubravka Šuica in Ispra, Italy: attends the launch event for the Commission’s Report on Demography and Climate Change; visits the Europa Science Experience Exhibition.

Ms Dubravka Šuica in Milan, Italy: meets with Mr Attilio Fontana, President of Lombardy Region; attends the inauguration of Europe Direct Lombardia; attends the reception for the 10th anniversary of Croatia in the EU organised by the European Commision Repesentation, the European Parliament Office and the Croatian Consulate in Milan; meets with Mr Gabriele Nissim, President of Gariwo.

M. Johannes Hahn à Luxembourg : prononce un discours lors du 5e séminaire annuel sur les marchés des capitaux, organisé conjointement par la Commission européenne, la Banque européenne d’investissement et le Mécanisme européen de stabilité.

Mr Nicolas Schmit receives Mr Alfonso Lara Montero, CEO, and Mr Christian Fillet, Chair of the European Social Network; receives Mr Magnus Berntsson, President of the Assembly of European Regions.

Mr Nicolas Schmit and Mr Thierry Breton meet with high-level representatives of the automotive industry on skills, in Brussels.

Mr Paolo Gentiloni in Rome, Italy: participates in the event ‘Jean Monnet aveva ragione? Costruire l’Europa in tempi di crisi‘, organised by Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana – Treccani.

M. Thierry Breton reçoit M. Pierre Barnabé, Directeur Général de Soitec ; tient une vidéoconférence avec M. René Haas, Directeur Général d’Arm Ltd.

Mme Stella Kyriakides à Genève, Suisse : lance l’initiative de santé numérique entre la Commission européenne et l’Organisation mondiale de la santé avec le directeur général de l’OMS, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Ms Ylva Johansson in Antwerp, Belgium: participates in a Ministerial meeting of the Coalition of European Countries against Serious and Organised Crime.

Mr Janez Lenarčič Lenarčič in Oslo, Norway (until 06/06): meets Ms Ingvild Kjerkjol, Minister of Health and Care Services; field visit to witness the ongoing EU-financed medical evacuation of Ukrainian patients operated by Norway.

Mr Olivér Várhelyi addresses the participants of the 4th debate on rule of law issues ‘Pravo na pravdu’ [Right to Justice] in Sarajevo, via video message.

Ms Kadri Simson delivers a keynote speech, via videoconference, at the opening of the 31st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition; delivers a message, via videoconference, at the 17th edition of the Tecnovisionarie 2023 International Award – Energy and Environment, Excellence for Women Awards Ceremony.

Ms Kadri Simson in Warsaw, Poland: meets with Ms Anna Moskwa, Minister for Climate and Environment; delivers a keynote speech at the 3rd Summit of the Pact of Free Cities; and participates in the panel discussion ‘How to win an argument on Climate’.

Mr Virginijus Sinkevičius in Lithuania: participates in a filming session at the Baltic Sea Animal Rehabilitation Centre; participates in the Award Ceremony of the Valdas Adamkus Prize.

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05 June 2023
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