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Meetings of EU Commission Members on 4 May 2023

04 May 2023

Mr Frans Timmermans receives Mr Faruk Kaymakcı, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs of Türkiye; delivers a speech at the 2023 BMEL Sustainability Conference, via videoconference; meets, via videoconference, with CEOs of Imagine (Food Collective); and receives representatives of the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC).

Mr Valdis Dombrovskis in Frankfurt, Germany: participates in the European Central Bank (ECB) Governing Council.

Mr Valdis Dombrovskis participates in the Brussels Economic Forum 2023 – Economic and Financial Affairs, organised by the European Commission; receives Mr Olivier Andries, CEO of Safran.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič receives Mr Vladimír Dlouhý, President of Eurochambres, and Mr Ben Butters, CEO of Eurochambres.

Ms Dubravka Šuica delivers a video message for the Rural Pact Conference in Sweden, organised by the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Mme Vĕra Jourová reçoit Mme Nathalie Appéré, maire de Rennes et présidente de Rennes Métropole ; reçoit M. Vladimír Dlouhý, président d’Eurochambres.

Mr Margaritis Schinas receives Patriarch Theophilos III, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem; participates in a working lunch with the Executive Committee of the Greek federation of enterprises.

Mr Johannes Hahn in Vienna, Austria: delivers a keynote speech at the Austrian Parliament on the occasion of the Europe Day celebrations 2023.

Ms Mariya Gabriel in Munich, Germany (until 05/05): visits the Unternehmer TUM Urban Center.

Mr Paolo Gentiloni receives Ms Nadia Calviño, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Spanish Government and Minister for Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation; participates in the Brussels Economic Forum 2023 (BEF) – Panel: ‘A competitive model grounded in social cohesion: protecting workers, consumers and future generations in times of uncertainty’.

Mr Janusz Wojciechowski in Florence, Italy: delivers opening speech on “The Future of European Agriculture: Sustainability, Sufficiency, Security”, at State of the Union conference organised by the European University lnstitute.

Mr Thierry Breton receives Mr Dimitri Papalexopoulos, Chairman of the Board of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), and a delegation from SEV; receives Mr Maciej Witucki, President of the Confederation Lewiatan; receives Mr Olivier Andriès, CEO of Safran.

Ms Elisa Ferreira in Zagreb, Croatia: participates in the 3rd Union For The Mediterranean Ministerial Conference On Sustainable Urban Development.

Mr Janez Lenarčič in Stockholm, Sweden: participates into a Forum on Ukraine: Building resilience for the future.

Ms Adina Vălean receives Mr Josu Jon Imaz, CEO of Repsol; and receives Mr Olivier Andriès, Director and CEO of Safran Group.

Ms Kadri Simson receives Mr Josu Jon Imaz, CEO of Repsol;  representatives of the Hydropower Alliance at CEO level; receives Mr Vladimír Dlouhý, President of Eurochambres; holds a meeting, via videoconference call, with Mr Hervé Laffaye and Mr Zbyněk Boldiš, respectively President and Vice-President of ENTSO-E; and delivers the opening remarks at the Energy Storage Coalition Launch Event on ‘The Storage Way: More Flexibility to Decarbonise Europe’, in Brussels, Belgium.

Ms Mairead McGuinness in Florence, Italy: opens the panel ‘Does globalisation have a future?’ at the 13th edition of the State of the Union Conference: #SOU2023: Building Europe in times of  uncertainty, organised by the European University Institute (EUI).

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04 May 2023
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