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Meetings of EU Commission members on 28 February 2023

28 February 2023

President Ursula von der Leyen speaks by videoconference with Mr. Siegfried Russwurm, President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), and Mr. Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, President of the Mouvement des entreprises de France (MEDEF).

Ms Margrethe Vestager delivers a keynote speech at the European Investment Bank’s Forum in Luxembourg; meets via videoconference with Mr Bruno Le Maire, Minister for Economy and Finance of France; receives Mr Niels Christoffer Thygesen, Chair of the European Fiscal Board; delivers a keynote speech at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) 40 years anniversary debate, in Brussels.

M. Josep Borrell reçoit Mme Verónica Nataniel Macamo Dlhovo, ministre des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération du Mozambique ; reçoit Mme Marija Pejčinović Burić, secrétaire générale du Conseil de l’Europe.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič receives Mr Brad Crabtree, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management at the Department of Energy of the US.

Ms Dubravka Šuica participates via videoconference in the European Startup Village Forum, organised by the European Commission; delivers opening remarks at the ‘Democracy Global Coalition Forum’, organised by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA); receives Ms Marlena Malag, Minister of Family and Social Policy of Poland, and Ms Barbara Socha, Undersecretary of State; delivers a speech via videoconference at the award ceremony ‘Sunflower of Rural Tourism of Croatia’, organised by the association ‘Club Selo’ of Croatia; receives Mr Šime Erlić, Minister for Regional Development and EU Funds of Hungary.

Ms Vĕra Jourová receives representatives of the European Union of Jewish Students; receives Mr Kevin Casas Zamora, Secretary General of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA); receives Mr Tomas Kopecny, Czech Envoy for the Reconstruction of Ukraine.

Mr Margaritis Schinas receives Mr André Wilkens, Director of the European Cultural Foundation; delivers introductory remarks at the European Parliament event on European Health Data Space; addresses to the EUJS EU Activism Seminar; delivers a keynote speech at the Cultural Deal for Europe annual event.

Mme Mariya Gabriel reçoit le groupe informel des bureaux de liaison R&I (IGLO) ; participe au Forum européen des villages de start-up 2023, sur le thème “L’entrepreneuriat innovant dans les zones rurales”, à Bruxelles ; assiste à la projection du film “Le Mans 2022”, et participe à un débat et à une séance de questions-réponses avec des pilotes de course, à Bruxelles.

Mr Nicolas Schmit in Zagreb, Croatia: speaks at the conference ‘European Social Fund Plus for the Development Decade’; visits the EU-funded educational institute ‘Algebra‘; meets with Mr Tomislav Tomašević, Mayor of Zagreb; meets with Croatian social partners.

Mr Paolo Gentiloni participates in the event: ‘Review of the EU economic governance framework – exchange of views’ at the European Parliamentary Week 2023, organised by the European Parliament together with the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU; participates in a Digital Euro Roundtable with stakeholders, organised by the European Commission; participates in a book presentation in Brussels: ‘Europa sovrana. La rivincita dei nazionalismi‘ by Ms Angela Mauro, Italian Brussels correspondent.

Mr Janusz Wojciechowski participates in the Startup Village Forum, organised and hosted by the European Commission, in Brussels; receives representatives of the Committee on Agriculture and Environment National Council of the Slovak Republic: Mr Jaroslav Karahuta, Chairman and and Mr Martin Korček, Head of secretariat; receives Mr Juan García-Gallardo Frings, Vice-President of the Government of the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León of Spain.

M. Thierry Breton participe à une table ronde à la conférence Digital Euro / Business Merchants, à Bruxelles ; reçoit M. Sebastian Ebel, PDG du groupe TUI ; reçoit M. Steve Collar, PDG de SES SA ; tient une conférence téléphonique en visioconférence avec Mme Franziska Brantner, secrétaire d’État parlementaire auprès du ministre fédéral de l’Économie et de la Protection du Climat

Ms Elisa Ferreira delivers a keynote address at the annual European Startup Village Forum, organised and hosted by the European Commission, Brussels; receives Mr  Šime Erlić, Minister of Regional Development and EU Funding of Croatia.

Mme Stella Kyriakides prononce un discours d’ouverture lors d’un événement sur l’Espace européen des données de santé au Parlement européen ; prononce le discours d’ouverture de l’événement Europa Donna sur le cancer du sein et le planning familial au Parlement européen ; assiste à l’inauguration de l’exposition de photos sur la ville occupée de Famagouste au Parlement européen.

Mr Janez Lenarčič participates in an event with author Robert Menasse on the new book “Die Erweiterung” organised by the Representation of Hessen to the EU.

Mr Olivér Várhelyi in Serbia.

Mr Virginijus Sinkevičius meets, via videoconference, with students from TSPMI  (Vilnius University, Lithuania).


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28 February 2023
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