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Meetings of EU Commission Members on 11 May 2023

11 May 2023

Mr Frans Timmermans in Rotterdam, The Netherlands: delivers a speech at the World Hydrogen Summit 2023  

M. Josep Borrell rencontre les chefs d’état-major de l’UE au sein du Comité militaire de l’UE et participe au Sommet européen de la défense et de la sécurité.

Ms Vĕra Jourová in Berlin, Germany: meets with Ms Nancy Faeser, Minister of Interior of Germany, Ms Claudia Roth, Minister of State in the Chancellery and Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media; Members of the German Bundestag; Committees for European Affairs, Legal affairs, Culture and Media and Digital affairs; representatives of NGOs; Russian independent journalists and speaks at the Round table hosted by the Bertelsmann Foundation.

Mr Margaritis Schinas participates in the 5th European Defence Security Summit.

Mr Johannes Hahn : in Copenhagen, Denmark: meets Mr Nicolai Wammen, Minister for Finance; participates in the Nordea AAA Seminar 2023.

M. Nicolas Schmit participe par visioconférence à une audition de la Commission d’enquête relative aux révélations des Uber Files de l’Assemblée nationale française ; participe par visioconférence à une conférence organisée par Eurodiaconia et Diakonie Deutschland, intitulée : « Sustainable Diaconia in Europe – Ecological, Social, Refinanced » (Diaconie durable en Europe – écologique, sociale, refinancée).

Mr Paolo Gentiloni in Niigata, Japan (until 13 May): participates in the G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting; delivers pre-recorded closing remarks at the event: ‘Centralisation vs decentralisation of the EU fiscal framework’ at the 5th annual conference of the European Fiscal Board (EFB).

Mr Janusz Wojciechowski receives Mr Faruk Kaymakcı, Ambassador of Türkiye to the European Union.

Ms Elisa Ferreira in Porto, Portugal (until 12/05): addresses Itechstyle Summit & ETP annual conference, jointly organised by the Technological Centre for the Textile and Clothing Industry of Portugal (CITEVE) and the European Technology Platform in Matosinhos; delivers the closing speech on ‘Construir um futuro sustentável e inclusive’ at the Fórum de Sustentabilidade e Sociedade, promoted by Global Media Group.

Ms Helena Dalli in Reykjavik, Iceland: gives a keynote speech at the 2023 IDAHOT+ Forum; meets with Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir, with Minister for Social Affairs and Labour, Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson and with Rapporteur on Rights of LGBTI Persons of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Ms. Roberta Clarke.

M. Olivér Várhelyi est à Paris.

Ms Jutta Urpilainen receives Mr Germán Umaña Mendoza, Colombian Minister of Trade, Investment and Tourism.

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11 May 2023
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