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Industrial emissions: EU Judgment in Case C-626/22 Ilva and Others

25 June 2024

Tuesday 25th June 2024

Judgment in Case C-626/22 Ilva and Others


The case concerns a reference for a preliminary ruling concerning the interpretation of the Industrial Emission Directive sent by the Tribunale di Milano (Italy).

This directive lays down the requirements governing industrial installations and the rules to prevent or at least to reduce industrial emissions into air, water and land. All installations covered by the directive must prevent and reduce pollution by applying the best available techniques (BATs), so-called BAT conclusions, which the European Commission draws up and updates regularly with stakeholders and representatives of Member States.

The present application was made in the context of a collective dispute between C. Z. and others, residents of the municipality of Taranto (Italy) and neighbouring municipalities, against the defendants: Ilva SpA in Amministrazione Straordinaria (‘Ilva’), a company owning a steelworks situated in that municipality (‘the Ilva works’), Acciaierie d’Italia Holding SpA and Acciaierie d’Italia SpA.

The Ilva steelworks is one of the largest installations of its kind in Europe and an important economic factor. The European Court of Human Rights (‘ECtHR’) found, however, that it has significant adverse effects on the environment and causes harm to the health of local residents.

The applicants are seeking protection of their rights to health, to peace and tranquillity in the conduct of their lives and also their right to the climate, which they allege the defendants are adversely affecting as a consequence of their deliberate conduct, due to the emissions coming from the plants at Ilva’s steelworks in Taranto which are causing severe pollution.

This dispute concerns whether the Ilva steelworks is operating in accordance with the Directive and BATS requirements. In the present case, the Court is being asked about the importance of certain information concerning the effects of the steelworks on human health and about which emissions are to be taken into account. It is also being asked whether it is permitted to repeatedly extend the period for the implementation of certain permit conditions.

The Court recently had an opportunity to explore certain questions relating to the setting of limit values in connection with the grant of permits to installations. However, this request for a preliminary ruling gives it an opportunity to examine more closely the general permit conditions under the Industrial Emissions Directive.

Background Documents C-626/22


Dienstag, 25. Juni 2024

Urteil des Gerichtshofs (Große Kammer) in der Rechtssache C‑626/22 Ilva u. a.

Emissionen des Stahlwerks Ilva im süditalienischen Tarent

Mehrere Einwohner der süditalienischen Stadt Tarent klagen vor einem italienischen Gericht gegen den weiteren Betrieb des in Tarent gelegenen Stahlwerks Ilva. Sie sehen durch die Emissionen des Stahlwerks ihre Gesundheit gefährdet und machen geltend, dass es nicht der Vorgaben der EU-Richtlinie über Industrieemissionen entspreche.

Das italienische Gericht hat dem Gerichtshof eine Reihe von Fragen zur Auslegung der Richtlinie über Industrieemissionen vorgelegt.

Generalanwältin Kokott hat in ihren Schlussanträgen vom 14. Dezember 2023 die Ansicht vertreten, dass der Betrieb des Stahlwerks nicht zu übermäßigen Beeinträchtigungen der menschlichen Gesundheit führen dürfe, siehe Pressemitteilung Nr. 193/23.

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EU Court of Justice