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Industrial emissions: EU Advocate General Opinion in Case C-626/22 Ilva and Others

14 December 2023

Thursday 14th December 2023

Opinion in Case C-626/22 Ilva and Others


Several residents of the southern Italian city of Taranto are taking legal action in a Milan court against the continued operation of the Ilva Steelworks located in Taranto. They believe that the steel mill’s emissions jeopardise their health and claim that it does not comply with the EU Industrial Emissions Directive.

Back in 2019, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) found that the steelworks – one of the largest in Europe with around 11,000 employees and approximately 1,500 hectares – had a significant negative impact on the environment and affected the health of local residents. Measures to reduce the adverse environmental impact have been included in the authorisation conditions since 2012, but the deadlines for their implementation have been repeatedly extended.

The referring court has asked the Court to clarify the authorisation requirements

under the Industrial Emissions Directive. It wants to know the importance of certain information on the impact of the steelworks on human health as well as information on certain emissions, and whether it is permissible to repeatedly extend the deadline for the implementation of certain authorisation conditions.

Background Documents C-626/22


Schlussanträge der Generalanwältin am Gerichtshof in der Rechtssache C‑626/22 Ilva u. a.

Emissionen des Stahlwerks Ilva im süditalienischen Tarent

Mehrere Einwohner der süditalienischen Stadt Tarent sowie von Nachbargemeinden haben vor einem italienischen Gericht gegen die Fortsetzung des Betriebs des in Tarent gelegenen Stahlwerks Ilva in der bisherigen Art und Weise geklagt. Sie sehen sich durch die Emissionen, die von diesem Stahlwerk ausgehen, in ihren Rechten auf Gesundheit und ein unbeschwertes Leben sowie in ihren Klimarechten verletzt.

Das italienische Gericht hat dem Gerichtshof eine Reihe von Fragen zur Auslegung der Richtlinie über Industrieemissionen vorgelegt.

Generalanwältin Kokott legt heute ihre Schlussanträge vor.

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14 December 2023
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