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EU Parliament: Constitutive meetings of the Committees on 23 July 2024 (updated 22/7)

23 July

The EU Parliament’s standing committees will hold their constitutive meetings to elect a chair and up to four vice-chairs for a two-and-a-half-year mandate. Committees deal with legislative proposals, appoint negotiating teams to conduct talks with EU ministers, adopt reports, organise hearings and scrutinise other EU bodies and institutions.


Constitutive meeting of the Committee on International Trade on 23 July 2024

The Committee on International Trade (INTA) will hold its constitutive meeting on Tuesday, 23 July, 2024, 9.00-9.30 in Brussels, Room: ANTALL (6Q2).

Full agenda

Meeting documents


Committee homepage

The INTA committee will hold its constitutive meeting and elect its Chair and Vice-Chairs on Tuesday. The committee meeting will be webstreamed and recordings will remain available on demand in Parliament’s Multimedia Centre.

According to Rule 219 (as amended during the recent revision of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure), “the diversity of Parliament must be reflected in the composition of the bureau of each committee. The Chair and the first Vice-Chair of a committee shall not be of the same gender. Gender balance shall also apply to the other members of the bureau. It shall not be permissible for all of the bureau members to come from the same Member State.”

Following last Wednesday’s decision by Parliament’s plenary on the structure and size of Parliament’s standing committees and subcommittees, the political groups and the non-attached members appointed the MEPs assigned to each of them on Friday. According to the Rules of Procedure, the composition of its committees (including subcommittees) should as far as possible reflect the composition of Parliament as a whole – see Rules 216 and 218.

During the first half of the 10th legislative period, the Trade Committee will have 43 members. You can find the full list of MEPs (both regular and substitute members) on the committee’s homepage.

Further information

Committee on International Trade

Full agenda

Meeting documents

Watch the live meeting

Catch up via video


ECON & FISC committee highlights for the week ahead

Highlights for the week ahead for the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee and the Subcommittee on Tax Matters

Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 

Constitutive meeting

Tuesday 23 July 2024, 9.00 – 9.30


Room: ANTALL (4Q2)

Opening of the meeting with the provisional Chair

1. Election of the Chair

With the newly elected Chair

2. Election of the Vice-Chairs in separate ballots

Watch the meeting here

Subcommittee on Tax Matters

Constitutive meeting

Tuesday 23 July 2024, 13.00 – 13.30


Room: ANTALL (4Q1)

Opening of the meeting with the provisional Chair

1. Election of the Chair

With the newly elected Chair

2. Election of the Vice-Chairs in separate ballots

Watch the meeting here

Date of next meeting:

ECON: Monday 2 September 2024, 15:00 – 18:30

FISC: Thursday, 26 September 2024, 9:00 to 11:30 (to be confirmed)

ITRE 23-24/07 – Constitutive meeting, EU Defence Industry Programme

Highlights of the meeting of the committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)


Tuesday, 23 July 2024, 11.00 – 11.30

Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 10.30 – 12.30

Where: Room ANTALL (2Q2)

Constitutive meeting (Tuesday 11.00) – Webstreaming

In that meeting, the Committee will elect its bureau, made up of a Chair and four Vice-Chairs, for a two-and-a-half year mandate.

Regular meeting (Wednesday 10.30) – Webstreaming

General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025 – all sections

Presentation by Mr Timo Pesonen, Director-General for Defence Industry and Space, on the proposal establishing a European Defence Industry Programme (EDIP)

ENVI  Constitutive meeting | 23 July 2024

The constitutive meeting of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will take place Tuesday, 23 July, at 10.00 CEST in Brussels.

Following the appointment of its members during the plenary sitting of 16-19 July, the ENVI committee will elect its bureau, made up of the Chair and four Vice-Chairs, for a two-and-a-half year mandate.

When: Tuesday, 23 July 2023, 10.00-10.30

Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANTALL 4Q2

You can find more details in the agenda and follow the constitutive meeting on Parliament’s website.

Next meeting

4 September 2024 (Brussels)

Further information

Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

ENVI: Documents for upcoming and past meetings


SANT Constitutive meeting 23 July 2024

The constitutive meeting of the Subcommittee on Public Health will take place Tuesday, 23 July, at 13.00 CEST in Brussels.

Following the appointment of its members during the plenary sitting of 16-19 July, the SANT subcommittee will elect its bureau, made up of the Chair and four Vice-Chairs, for a two-and-a-half year mandate.

When: Tuesday, 23 July 2023, 13.00-13.30

Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANTALL 6Q2

You can find more details in the agenda and follow the constitutive meeting on Parliament’s website.

Next meeting

– 5 September 2024 (Brussels)

Further information

Subcommittee on Public Health

SANT: Documents for upcoming and past meetings


Constitutive meeting of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs on 23 July 2024

MEPs will elect their Chair and Vice-Chairs during the first meeting of the committee on Tuesday.

Wednesday’s vote in Parliament during the first plenary week after the elections confirmed the structure and size of Parliament’s standing committees and subcommittees. On Friday, the political groups and the non-attached members appointed the MEPs assigned to each of them. It is now up to each committee to elect its respective bureau, i.e. its Chair and Vice-Chairs. The committee meetings will be webstreamed and recordings will remain available on demand in Parliament’s Multimedia Centre.

When: 12:00 CEST, Tuesday 23 July 2024

Where: Room 4Q1, ANTALL building, European Parliament in Brussels

According to Rule 219 (as amended during the recent revision of Parliament’s rules of procedure), “The diversity of Parliament must be reflected in the composition of the bureau of each committee. The Chair and the first Vice-Chair of a committee shall not be of the same gender. Gender balance shall also apply to the other members of the bureau. It shall not be permissible for all of the bureau members to come from the same Member State.”

During the first half of the tenth legislative period, the Commmittee on Constitutional Affairs will have 30 members. You can find the full list of MEPs in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (both regular and substitute members) and use the filters break down this information further Parliament’s website about its Members.

Rules on the composition of committees

According to Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, the composition of its committees (including subcommittees) should as far as possible reflect the composition of Parliament as a whole – see Rules 216 and 218. The political groups and non-attached Members decide internally who is appointed to each committee and subcommittee.

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23 July
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EU Parliament