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EU Parliament Agenda on 9 October 2023

09 October 2023


Birgu, Malta

08:30 Meeting students at De La Salle College

10:00 Meeting students at St Edward’s College



14:30 – 18:30

LIBE Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 4Q2


Presentation of the Commission’s 2023 Rule of Law Report — presentation by the European Commissioner for Justice, Didier REYNDERS

Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, 2023 — exchange of views with the Minister of Interior of Spain, Fernando GRANDE-MARLASKA

Exchange of views with Eric VAN Der BURG, Minister for Migration, Government of the Netherlands

Study: Substitute Impact Assessment of the Proposal for a Regulation addressing situations of instrumentalisation in the field of migration and asylum — presentation of the study of the European Parliamentary Research Service


European Parliament resolution on Frontex building on the fact-finding investigation of the LIBE Working Group for Frontex Scrutiny (2023/2729(RSP)) — adoption of motion for a resolution — rapporteur: Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR (S&D, ES)

Website of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Watch webstreaming live – Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs


15:00 – 18:00

DROI Subcommittee on Human Rights

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 5B001

Debate (15.30 – 17.00)

In association with the Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula: Exchange of views on the participation of Human Rights Defenders and Civil Society Organisations to the COP 28 (hosted by the United Arab Emirates), in the presence of:

– Richard Pearshouse, Environment and Human Rights Director in Human Rights Watch

– Hamad al Shamsi, Executive Director and founder of Emirates Detainees Advocacy Centre (EDAC) (tbc)

Workshop (17.00 – 18.00)

Strengthening the democracy clause in EU Agreements and instruments: exploring election conditionality. Programme

Website of the Subcommittee on Human Rights

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Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Subcommittee on Human Rights


15:00 – 18:00

PECH Committee on Fisheries

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 4B001


EU Action Plan: protecting and restoring marine ecosystems for sustainable and resilient fisheries (2023/2124(INI)) — consideration of draft report — rapporteur: Niclas HERBST (EPP, DE)

Website of the Committee on Fisheries

Watch webstreaming live – Committee on Fisheries

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Fisheries


15:00 – 18:15

BUDG Committee on Budgets

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 2Q2


General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2024 – all sections (2023/0264(BUD)) — adoption of draft report — co-rapporteurs: Siegfried MUREŞAN (EPP, RO), Nils UŠAKOVS (S&D, LV)

Proposal for a Council Decision amending Decision (EU, Euratom) 2020/2053 on the system of own resources of the European Union (2021/0430(CNS)) — adoption of draft report — co-rapporteurs: José Manuel FERNANDES (EPP, PT), Valérie HAYER (Renew, FR)

Draft amending budget no 3 to the general budget 2023 update of revenue (own resources) and other technical adjustments including the set-up and financing for 2023 of the new defence industrial reinforcement instrument and of the European chips act (2023/0240(BUD)) — adoption of draft report — rapporteur: Fabienne KELLER (Renew, FR)


Follow-up of the workshop on “EU borrowing costs: drivers and dynamics, a comparative perspective” — an estimate of the European Union’s long-term borrowing cost bill

Website of the Committee on Budgets

Watch webstreaming live – Committee on Budgets

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Budgets


15:00 – 18:30

SEDE Subcommittee on Security and Defence

Brussels, Altiero Spinelli, 1G-3


New Civilian CSDP Compact: strengthening the EU’s civilian response to crises and conflicts with Joanneke Balfoort, Director – Security and Defence Policy, EEAS (17.45 – 18.30)

Website of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence

Watch webstreaming live – Subcommittee on Security and Defence

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Subcommittee on Security and Defence


15:00 – 18:30

ECON Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 1A002


High-Level Report on the future of the Single Market — exchange of views including on the Capital Markets Union, with Enrico LETTA

Appointment of a Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (2023/0810(NLE)) — exchange of views with Piero CIPOLLONE, the candidate selected for the position — rapporteur: Irene TINAGLI (S&D, IT)  (16.00 – 17.00)

Vote (18.15 – 18.30)

Appointment of a Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (2023/0810(NLE)) — adoption of draft report — rapporteur: Irene TINAGLI (S&D, IT)

Website of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Watch webstreaming live – Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs


15:00 – 18:30

IMCO Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 3C050


Working group on the implementation of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) — reporting back to committee by Andreas SCHWAB (EPP, DE), Chair of the Working group

Approval and market surveillance of non-road mobile machinery circulating on public roads and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 (2023/0090(COD)) — consideration of amendments — rapporteur: Tom VANDENKENDELAERE (EPP, BE)

Addictive design of online services and consumer protection in the EU single market (2023/2043(INI)) — consideration of amendments — rapporteur: Kim VAN SPARRENTAK (Greens/EFA, NL)

Implementation of the 2018 Geo-blocking Regulation in the digital single market (2023/2019(INI)) — consideration of compromise amendments — rapporteur: Beata MAZUREK (ECR, PL)

Right to repair (2023/0083(COD)) — consideration of amendments — rapporteur: René REPASI (S&D, DE)

Amending and correcting Directive 2005/36/EC as regards the recognition of professional qualifications of nurses responsible for general care trained in Romania (2023/0307(COD)) — consideration of draft report — rapporteur: Adam BIELAN (ECR, PL)

Website of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Watch webstreaming live – Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection


15:00 – 18:30

TRAN Committee on Transport and Tourism

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 4Q1


Maritime Safety Package — consideration of draft reports

European Maritime Safety Agency and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1406/2002 (2023/0163(COD)) — rapporteur: Cláudia MONTEIRO DE AGUIAR (EPP, PT)

Amending Directive 2009/18/EC establishing the fundamental principles governing the investigation of accidents in the maritime transport sector (2023/0164(COD)) — rapporteur: Caroline NAGTEGAAL (Renew, NL)

Building a comprehensive European port strategy (2023/2059(INI)) — rapporteur: Tom BERENDSEN (EPP, NL)

Amending Directive 2009/21/EC on compliance with flag State requirements (2023/0172(COD)) — rapporteur: Vera TAX (S&D, NL)

Amending Directive 2009/16/EC on port State control (2023/0165(COD)) — rapporteur: Vera TAX (S&D, NL)

Amending Council Directive 96/53/EC laying down for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community the maximum authorised dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorised weights in international traffic (2023/0265(COD)) — exchange of views with Commission representatives — rapporteur: Isabel GARCÍA MUÑOZ (S&D, ES)

Website of the Committee on Transport and Tourism

Watch webstreaming live – Committee on Transport and Tourism

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Transport and Tourism


15:00 – 18:30

AGRI Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 6Q-2


The sustainable use of plant protection products and amending Regulation (EU) 2021/2115(COD) — adoption — rapporteur for the opinion: Clara AGUILERA (S&D, ES)

Website of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Watch webstreaming live – Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development


17:45 – 18:15

BUDG / ITRE Joint meeting of Committee on Budgets and Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 2Q2


Establishing the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (‘STEP’) and amending Directive 2003/87/EC, Regulations (EU) 2021/1058, (EU) 2021/1056, (EU) 2021/1057, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 223/2014, (EU) 2021/1060, (EU) 2021/523, (EU) 2021/695, (EU) 2021/697 and (EU) 2021/241 (2023/0199(COD)) – adoption of draft report – rapporteurs: Christian EHLER (EPP, DE), José Manuel FERNANDES (EPP, PT)

Website of the Committee on Budgets

Watch webstreaming live – Committee on Budgets

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Budgets

Website of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Industry, Research and Energy


18:00 – 18:30

IMCO / JURI Joint meeting of Committee on Legal Affairs and Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 3C050


Liability for defective products (2022/0302(COD)) — adoption of draft report / vote on the decision to enter into interinstitutional negotiations — rapporteurs: Vlad-Marius BOTOŞ (Renew, RO), Pascal ARIMONT (EPP, BE)

Website of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Watch webstreaming live – Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

Website of the Committee on Legal Affairs

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Legal Affairs

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09 October 2023
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EU Parliament, Brussels


EU Parliament