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EU Parliament Agenda on 23 January 2023

23 January 2023


09:30 Remote Address at the Conference of the Presidents of German speaking regional Parliaments



15:00 – 17:00

AFET Committee on Foreign Affairs

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 4Q2


In association with the Delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula (DKOR): Exchange of views with the EEAS on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in light of ongoing escalation

Recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Commission Vice President/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on Relations with the Palestinian Authority (2021/2207(INI)) – consideration of draft report – rapporteur: Evin INCIR (S&D, SE)

In association with the Delegation for relations with the countries of Central America (DCAM): Exchange of views with Jonathan HATWELL, Head of Division for Mexico, Central America and Caribbean at the EEAS on the situation in Nicaragua

Website of the Committee on Foreign Affairs 

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15:00 – 17:45

ECON Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 1A002

Debate (15.30 – 16.30)

Update on the digital euro – exchange of views with Fabio PANETTA, Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank

Website of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 

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15:00 – 18:30

CONT Committee on Budgetary Control

Brussels, Altiero Spinelli, 1G-3

ECA Special report 25/2022:Verification of Gross National Income for financing the EU budget – Risks in data compilation well covered overall, but scope for increased prioritisation of actions – Rapporteur: Olivier CHASTEL (Renew, BE)

Presentation of the special report by reporting ECA Member Marek OPIOLA

Website of the Committee on Budgetary Control 

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15:00 – 18:30

EMPL Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 6Q2


Exchange of views with Michael O´FLAHERTY (Director of the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA)) on the impact of recent crises, including the war in Ukraine, on social rights

Exchange of view as part of the structured dialogue with Margrethe VESTAGER (Executive Vice President of the European Commission) (17.30 – 18.30)

Website of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 

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15:00 – 18:30

ENVI Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 2Q2


Exchange of views with Romina POURMOKHTARI, Minister for Climate and Environment, Swedish Presidency

Presentation of the Council Presidency’s programme – exchange of views with FORSSMED, Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health, and Acko ANKARBERG JOHANSSON, Minister for Health Care, Swedish Presidency (16.30 – 17.45)

Exchange of views with the Commission on the current COVID-19 situation and on the shortage of medicines in Europe (17.45 – 18.30)

Website of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 

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15:00 – 18:30

ITRE Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 3C050


Presentation by the Commission of the EU-Republic of Korea Digital Partnership agreement

Presentation of a study on the role of financial operators in the ETS market and the incidence of their activities in determining the allowances’ price

Presentation of a study on the Cost of Non-Europe in space sector

Website of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 

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15:00 – 18:30

PECH Committee on Fisheries

Brussels, Altiero Spinelli, 1G-2


EU-UK: Implementation of the Trade & Cooperation Agreement (TACs 2023) – exchange of views with Commission representatives

Public hearing

State of play of the implementation of the Multiannual Plan (MAP) for the Baltic Sea (17.00 – 18.30).


Website of the Committee on Fisheries 

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15:00 – 18:30

CULT Committee on Culture and Education

Brussels, Altiero Spinelli, 3G-2


Presentation of the new proposal on the European Media Freedom Act

The budgetary state of affairs concerning the Erasmus+, Creative Europe, European Solidary Corps and CERV Programmes

Exchange of views on Cooperation in Culture/Education and Town Twinning – opportunities and good practices

Website of the Committee on Culture and Education 

Watch webstreaming live 

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15:00 – 18:30

PEGA Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware

Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak, 4B001

Hearing: “The use of spyware by private actors”

Website of the Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware 

Watch webstreaming live 

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) 



16:30 – 18:30

Cohesion policy investments and Next Generation EU recovery fund: state of play of the monitoring and controls

Brussels, Altiero Spinelli, 1G-3

Programme Public hearing


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23 January 2023
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