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EU Parliament Agenda on 18 March 2024

18 March


14:00 President Metsola delivers an opening speech (video message) at the European Summit of Regions and Cities

Visit to Malta

16:30 President Metsola meets the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Malta, Anġlu Farrugia



14:30 – 17:45


Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 2Q2


Measures to facilitate consular protection for unrepresented citizens of the Union in third countries (2023/0441(CNS)) – Consideration of draft report – Rapporteur: Loránt VINCZE (EPP, RO)

Exchange of views on Frontex cooperation with Libyan militia, with:
– Henrik NIELSEN, Deputy Director-General in charge of Schengen & Internal Security, European Commission (HOME.B)
– Hans LEIJTENS, Executive Director of Frontex
– Klaas Van DIJKEN, Director at Lighthouse Reports

Exchange of views with the Frontex Executive Director on Frontex operations, with a focus on Greece, with:
– Hans LEIJTENS, Executive Director of Frontex

The Use of Spyware in the European Union – First exchange of views with:
– Representative of the Spyware Inquiry Committee of the Polish Sejm (tbc)
– Representative of the Polish Senate (tbc)
– Lorenzo MANNELLI, Director-General of the DirectorateGeneral for Innovation and Technological Support, European Parliament

Website of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Watch webstreaming live – Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs


15:00 – 18:30


Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Brussels, Jòzsef Antall, 4Q1


Welfare of dogs and cats and their traceability (2023/0447(COD)) – Exchange of views with Commission representatives – Rapporteur: Veronika VRECIONOVÁ (ECR, CZ)

Exchange of views with the Commission on the EU Code of Conduct on responsible food business and marketing practices

Website of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Watch webstreaming live – Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development


16:00 – 17:00


Subcommittee on Human Rights

Brussels, Altiero Spinelli, 3G-2


In association with the European Parliament’s Delegation to the Caribbean-EU Parliamentary Assembly

Exchange of views on the human rights situation in Haiti, notably in relation to migration, in the presence of:
– Pierre Espérance, Partner, Coordination Europe-Haïti;
– Jean-Martin Bauer, World Food Programme Representative and Country Director in Haiti

Website of the Subcommittee on Human Rights

Watch webstreaming live – Subcommittee on Human Rights

Catch up via Video on Demand (VOD) – Subcommittee on Human Rights



FEMM delegation to New York, United States

A delegation of MEPs from the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality will participate in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UN CSW) in New York from 18 to 21 March. They will meet with representatives of civil society, several UN bodies, and the EU delegation to the UN. They will hold a side event on Tuesday on promoting women’s full inclusion in the economy and the labour market to address poverty: closing the gender gaps and empowering through rights.

Website of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality


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18 March
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EU Parliament