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EU Judgment in Case C-296/23 dm-drogerie markt

20 June

Thursday 20th June 2024

Judgment in Case C-296/23 dm-drogerie markt

(Laws governing the institutions – Acts of the institutions)

The drugstore chain dm-drogerie markt GmbH & Co KG (dm) was offering the

disinfectant ‘BioLYTHE’ for sale. The product was labelled ‘Universal ecological broad- spectrum disinfectant’, ‘Disinfects skin, hands and surfaces’, ‘Effective against SARS- Corona’ and ‘Skin-friendly – organic – alcohol-free’.

The German Centre for Protection against unfair competition considers this to be unfair advertising. Dm would have failed to comply with the rules of conduct laid down by EU law for disinfectant products, known as ‘biocides’. The association therefore brought an action before the German courts, seeking to compel dm to cease designating or marketing the product in question as a ‘universal broad-spectrum ecological disinfectant’ and/or ‘skin-friendly’ and/or ‘organic’.

Under EU law (Regulation (EU) No 528/2012), biocidal products may not be labelled in a way which misleads the user as to the risks that the product may pose to human health, animal health or the environment, or as to its effectiveness.

The German referring court asks the Court of Justice for guidance on how to interpret in detail the article related to advertisements for biocidal products.

Background Documents C-296/23


Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2024

Urteil des Gerichtshofs in der Rechtssache C‑296/23 dm‑drogerie markt

Werbung für Biozidprodukte

Die deutsche Zentrale zur Bekämpfung unlauteren Wettbewerbs beanstandet vor dem Bundesgerichtshof (BGH), dass dm ein Desinfektionsmittel mit der Bezeichnung „hautfreundlich“ vermarktet hat.

Der BGH hat den EuGH um Auslegung der EU-Biozid-Verordnung ersucht. Danach darf die Werbung für ein Biozidprodukt auf keinen Fall die Angaben “Biozidprodukt mit niedrigem Risikopotenzial”, “ungiftig”, “unschädlich”, “natürlich”, “umweltfreundlich”, “tierfreundlich” oder ähnliche Hinweise enthalten. Der EuGH soll klären, was unter den Begriff „ähnliche Hinweise“ fällt und somit in der Werbung verboten ist. Ohne Schlussanträge.

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