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EU General Court Judgment in Case T-205/22 Naass and Sea-Watch v Frontex

24 April

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

EU General Court Judgment in Case T-205/22 Naass et Sea-Watch v Frontex

(Provisions governing the institutions – Access to documents)

Sea-Watch is a non-profit humanitarian organisation based in Berlin (Germany), which conducts civilian search and rescue operations in the central Mediterranean.

In October 2021, Sea-Watch applied to the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) for access to a list of documents. The documents in question all related to a Frontex air operation in the central Mediterranean that took place on July 30, 2021.

The type of documents varied between reports, communications, minutes as well as photographs and videos related to the operation.

Frontex refused access to a total of 73 documents identified as falling within the lists requested.

According to Frontex, the documents fell under an exception allowed by the Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents. Under this exception, Frontex would be entitled to refuse access if the disclosure of the document could materially or effectively undermine public security.

In addition, Frontex refused partial disclosure of the same documents on the grounds that the amount of information to be redacted would be disproportionate to the residual information that could be disclosed and that such a process would undermine the principle of good administration.

Background Documents T-205/22


Mittwoch, 24. April 2024

Urteil des Gerichts in der Rechtssache T-205/22 Naass und Sea-Watch / Frontex

Zugang zu Dokumenten

Die deutsche Hilfsorganisation Sea Watch und eine ihrer Mitarbeiterinnen beantragten bei der europäischen Agentur für die Grenz –und Küstenwache (Frontex) Zugang zu einer Reihe von Dokumenten bezüglich des Flugeinsatzes, der am 30. Juli über dem Mittelmeer stattfand. Frontex lehnte den Antrag ab, u.a. aus Gründen der öffentlichen Sicherheit.

Sea Watch und ihre Mitarbeiterin haben diese Ablehnung vor dem Gericht der EU angefochten, das heute sein Urteil verkündet.

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EU General Court