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EU Commissioners Schmit and Breton to discuss workers’ rights in the age of AI 

16 November 2023 - 17 November 2023

Brussels, 13 November 2023

On 16 and 17 November, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, and Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, will attend the second edition of the European Employment and Social Rights Forum. The theme of this year’s Forum is the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the world of work. The #EUSocialForum is Europe’s largest event on employment and social affairs. It brings together policymakers, business leaders, industry experts, social partners, civil society, and academia to discuss the opportunities and challenges posed by technology and AI.

On 16 November, Commissioner Schmit will participate in the session on EU policy and the regulation of AI, exploring how to ensure workers’ rights are protected with the rise in algorithmic management, and how EU policies can encourage a human-centred approach to AI. On 17 November, he will be part of a joint panel with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, discussing how investments in skills and the digital transformation can support the reconstruction of Ukraine. On 17 November, Commissioner Breton will deliver an introductory speech to discuss the transformative role of AI in the workplace, its opportunities, and how EU policies can address possible challenges. Other speakers include Professor Christopher Pissarides, co-founder and co-chair of the Institute for the Future of Work, and winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Economics.

Journalists can register for the event here. A press room will be available at the venue throughout the event, and journalists will have the opportunity to request interviews with the speakers.

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