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Agenda of the Eurogroup, 15 January 2024

15 January

Agenda highlights
IMF article IV: mission to the euro areaThe International Monetary Fund (IMF) will present the outcome of its interim article IV staff visit to the euro area. The IMF review is expected to be concluded by June 2024. Ministers will also hear from the institutions on their assessment of the latest macroeconomic developments and outlook.

The article IV review of the euro area is a regular exercise in which the IMF reviews economic developments, consults with euro area policy-makers and provides targeted policy advice. The discussions in the Eurogroup are a valuable opportunity to exchange views on current developments and emerging challenges.

2024 euro area recommendation

Ministers will discuss the draft recommendations on the economic policy of the euro area for 2024, ahead of their approval at the ECOFIN Council meeting of 16 January.

Based on Commission proposals, the Council addresses annual recommendations on economic policy to the euro area as a whole within the European Semester. The recommendations are first discussed in the Eurogroup and formally adopted by the Council after endorsement by the European Council.

Euro area competitiveness

As part of the workstream on euro area competitiveness and building on a note prepared by the Commission, the Eurogroup will hold a second discussion and exchange views on the external competitiveness of the euro area, with a focus on changes in energy prices in the euro area, their impact on the economy of the euro area and the policy responses going forward.

Ministers will welcome Christian Zinglersen, the director of the EU agency for the cooperation of energy regulators (ACER), and Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Director of Bruegel, for their perspectives.

Eurogroup work programme for I/2024

The President of the Eurogroup will present the Eurogroup work programme, which covers the first half of this year. Ministers will be invited to provide their views and to endorse it.

Miscellaneous: Stocktaking on the ESM treaty ratification

The Eurogroup will take stock of the state of play regarding the ratification of the agreement amending the treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism.

Meeting information

  • Brussels
  • 15 January 2024

Preparatory documents

Press releases

Press briefing ahead of the Eurogroup meeting of 15 January 2024



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