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Agenda of the EU Home Affairs Council on 12 December 2024

12 December 2024


The presidency has put the adoption of the Council decision setting the date for the lifting of checks on persons at the internal land border with and between Bulgaria and Romania on the agenda of the meeting of ministers. Both countries already fully apply Schengen rules from 31 March 2024. Internal air and maritime border controls with Bulgaria and Romania have also been lifted from that date.

Ministers will also take stock of the overall state of the Schengen area. Ministers will in particular exchange views on the implementation of the priorities of the annual Schengen Council cycle. The discussion will focus on increasing overall security through digitalisation.

The Schengen area explained (background information)


IT systems for law enforcement

The Commission and eu-LISA (an EU agency in charge of the management of IT systems in the area of security and justice) will brief ministers on the way forward on the start of operations of the Entry Exit System (EES). The EES is an automated IT system for registering non-EU nationals who are travelling for a short stay. Under the new system, border officers will scan the fingerprints or take a photo of those crossing the border for the first time. This information will be recorded in a digital file.

At the Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA) on 10-11 October 2024 the Commission informed ministers about its plan to roll out the EES in a phased manner.

IT systems to fight crime and secure EU borders (background information)


Asylum and migration

The Commission will give an update on the implementation of the pact on migration and asylum, a set of EU laws which was adopted in May. Member states and the Commission are currently taking preparatory steps for these laws to apply from June 2026. The external dimension of addressing migration challenges will be discussed during a working lunch.

EU migration and asylum policy (background information)

EU asylum rules (background information)


Internal security

In the area of internal security the Intelligence Advisory Board will give a state of play of the current threat landscape. This will be followed by a report of the presidency on the progress achieved on the fight against drug trafficking and organised crime.

Ministers will also exchange views on the concluding report of the high-level group on access to data for effective law enforcement. At this year’s June meeting of home affairs ministers the Council welcomed the group’s 42 recommendations on access to data. At the upcoming meeting ministers will discuss the way forward now that the group has presented its concluding report.

EU drugs policy (background information)

The EU’s fight against organised crime (background information)

High-level group on access to data for effective law enforcement (European Commission) 


Strategic guidelines

The presidency will inform ministers on the state of play of the strategic guidelines for legislative and operational planning within the area of freedom, security and justice. The strategic guidelines foreseen in the Treaty are an important instrument to shaping the direction of EU policy in the area of freedom, security and justice and provide the framework for the implementation of the relevant aspects of the EU’s Strategic Agenda 2024-2029.


Fighting child sexual abuse

At the meeting of ministers of home affairs, the presidency will aim to reach a general approach (common position of member states) on a legislative proposal to combat child sexual abuse. The proposed EU law will make it mandatory for internet companies to alert the authorities about online child sexual abuse on their platforms. A planned EU centre would support authorities acting on reports of child sexual abuse and collect and share expertise and best practices in prevention and victim support.

Prevention of online child sexual abuse (background information)


Practical information
  • Meeting n°4068
  • Location: Brussels
  • Time (indicative): 10:00
Preparatory documents


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