Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
Brussels, 4 April 2024 
  • Parliament and Council reach deal on new €6 billion facility to support the EU’s Western Balkans partners
  • Strengthening rule of law and economic convergence
  • Robust transparency and monitoring

In talks with EU member states, MEPs have secured key improvements to a new support facility for the Western Balkans, focusing on transparency, rule of law, and economic integration.

Negotiators from the European Parliament and the Council of the EU reached a provisional agreement on Thursday on the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans, a new growth plan for the region including €6 billion in grants and loans to accelerate economic convergence with the EU.

Emphasizing EU values

MEPs managed to underpin their commitment to the integration of the Western Balkans through the inclusion of the “fundamentals first” approach. This principle links the rule of law, the fight against corruption and fundamental rights with the two other crucial areas of the accession process: ­­­economic governance and the strengthening of democratic institutions and public administration reform. MEPs also strengthened alignment with the Common Foreign and Security Policy, and managed to reinforce the consultation process with beneficiary countries’ Parliaments and civil society.

Strengthening oversight and transparency

MEPs enhanced the Facility’s governance, focusing on stronger parliamentary oversight and transparency. A regular high-level dialogue with the Commission will intensify Parliament’s role in monitoring and scrutinizing the Facility­’s progress and ensuring funding aligns with EU goals, such as democracy, economic stability, and regional cooperation. Furthermore, up-to-date data on final recipients receiving funding exceeding EUR 50 000 cumulatively over the period of four years for the implementation of reforms and investments under the Facility must be made available on a webpage by the relevant beneficiary countries.

In addition, a provision was added to address synergies and complementarities with other EU programmes, in particular the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), with a view to avoiding the duplication of assistance and double funding.

Supporting socio-economic reforms

The Facility aims to drive socio-economic reforms in the Western Balkans, advancing economic growth and EU alignment. MEPs obtained the establishment of a framework that ties financial support to clear progress indicators. A dedicated scoreboard will track and publicly display the progress of the Western Balkans Facility’s reform agendas, including key documents, payment conditions, and recipients of funds.


Karlo Ressler (EPP, HR), co-rapporteur for the Committee on Budgets, said:

“The growth plan for six Western Balkan countries worth EUR 6 billion can be a real game changer. It is a political encouragement for the accession process, while speeding up real structural and institutional reforms, including alignment with EU’s Common Foreign & Security and Visa policies. Following the historic opening of accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina, this is one more important instrument that will bring these countries closer to the EU.”

Tonino Picula (S&D, HR), co-rapporteur for the Committee on Foreign Affairs, said:

“I welcome that this parliamentary mandate has strengthened enlargement, brought it back on the agenda, and this agreement confirms it. Our proposals in the agreement will increase funding for Western Balkans, by aiming to emphasize the importance of rule of law, transparency and reforms to bring these countries, our partners, closer to the EU. We agreed in the negotiations to include full alignment with EU’s common foreign and security policy, including restrictive measures, as one of the key objectives, which is very important for the Parliament and will give a clear sign to those countries in the region, that still need to fulfil this criteria.”

Next steps

The agreed provisional text still needs to be approved by the full house and the Council of the EU.


The facility, unveiled as the keystone of the Commission’s new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans in November 2023, is designed to bolster the EU’s partners in the region by facilitating extensive socio-economic reforms, enhancing rule of law, and fundamental rights. It aims to propel the enlargement process and hasten the economic alignment of these partners with the EU standards. Spanning from 2024 to 2027, the facility plans to allocate up to €2 billion in grants and €4 billion in loans, supporting the Western Balkans on their accession path. The disbursement of these funds is contingent upon the successful implementation of the specified reforms outlined in the reform agenda of each beneficiary country.

EU Council on Provisional deal on the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans

The Council presidency and the European Parliament have reached a provisional agreement on setting up a Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans. The Facility is the centrepiece of the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans presented by the Commission in November 2023.

The Facility will cover the period from 2024 to 2027 and is expected to provide up to €2 billion in grants and €4 billion in loans to the EU’s Western Balkan partners. It will complement the existing Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III), considerably increasing financial assistance to partners in the region.

Objectives of the Facility

The Facility will support the EU’s Western Balkan partners in undertaking EU-related reforms and stimulate their economic convergence with the EU, based on ambitious Reform Agendas. The Facility will also promote partners’ alignment with the EU values, laws, rules, standards, policies and practices with a view to future EU membership.

Next steps

The provisional agreement will now need to be endorsed by the Council and Parliament with a view to formal adoption by both institutions following legal-linguistic revision.


EU Commission welcomes political agreement on the €6 billion Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans

The Commission welcomes the political agreement reached today between the European Parliament and the Council on the €6 billion Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans, underpinning the Reform and Growth Plan proposed by the Commission in November 2023. It constitutes an unprecedented offer to the Western Balkans to access some benefits of EU membership before accession. The Facility will provide increased financial assistance in exchange for socio-economic and fundamental reforms defined in ambitious Reform Agendas being prepared by the Western Balkan partners.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, said: Enlargement is a key geostrategic priority. We want to bring the Western Balkans closer and faster to our Union. The €6 billion Facility agreed is a key step in that direction. By combining increased financial assistance and reforms, it will accelerate the progress of our Western Balkan partners on their EU path in advance of accession, foster their economic convergence and integrate them better in our Single Market.”

The overall amount of the Facility for the period 2024-2027 is €6 billion. This amount is composed of €2 billion in grants and €4 billion in highly concessional loans. At least half of the overall envelope will be allocated through the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF), supporting infrastructure investments and connectivity, including transport, energy, green and digital transitions. The remaining part will be released as direct support to the national budgets.

Funds will be released twice a year, based on requests by the Western Balkan partners and following verification by the Commission and, where appropriate the EEAS, that all relevant conditions have been met. These conditions include payment conditions corresponding to qualitative and quantitative steps measuring progress and implementation results that have been agreed in the Reform Agendas, as well as general conditions related to macro-financial stability, sound public financial management, transparency, and oversight of the budget.

In case some conditions are not met, the Commission may suspend payments in part or in full depending on the condition. Following such a suspension and in case that Western Balkan partners do not fulfil the related conditions during a grace period of one year (or two years in the first year of implementation), the suspended amount will be withdrawn and may be redistributed among other beneficiaries in the subsequent years.

To finance the loan support, the European Union will raise €4 billion on the financial market until the end of 2027. The €2 billion of non-repayable support will be financed through additional resources from the Mid-Term revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).

Next Steps

The political agreement reached is now subject to formal approval by the European Parliament and the Council. The Regulation of the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans will enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Journal.


The Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans is the financial instrument supporting the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, adopted in November 2023. The Growth Plan is a new instrument to accelerate the Western Balkans’ preparations for EU membership by bringing forward some of its benefits ahead of accession with direct impact for citizens and businesses. This in turn should significantly accelerate the speed of the enlargement process and the growth of their economies. The Facility is complementary to EU assistance already provided through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA).

More Information

Commission Proposal for a Regulation establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans

Commission Communication on the new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans

New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans (webpage)

Growth Plan factsheet


Enlargement is a key geostrategic priority. We want to bring the Western Balkans closer and faster to our Union. The €6 billion Facility agreed is a key step in that direction. By combining increased financial assistance and reforms, it will accelerate the progress of our Western Balkan partners on their EU path in advance of accession, foster their economic convergence and integrate them better in our Single Market.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Supporting the socio-economic convergence of the Western Balkan partners is the best way to promptly bring our partner countries closer to the EU. This new €6 billion Facility will reinforce our financial assistance as we further facilitate the region’s integration into the Single Market by increasing its competitiveness. With this Facility fully functioning, by the end of this MFF we will reach 90% aid intensity per inhabitant in the Western Balkans as cohesion policy does on average in the EU. Thus, by choosing the EU path, we offer real-time benefits to the region’s people and businesses before its full integration.

Olivér Várhelyi, Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement
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