Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Kyiv, 18 May 2023

Pursuant to the President’s instruction, Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak held a briefing on the current security situation in the country for the Chinese government delegation headed by Li Hui, Special Representative of the Chinese Government for Eurasian Affairs.

Andriy Yermak expressed gratitude for China’s support of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. He emphasized that our country respects the inviolability of the borders of other countries, as provided for by the UN Charter.

The Head of the President’s Office emphasized that Ukraine, defending itself against the aggressor who carried out an unprovoked invasion of our territory, acts exclusively in the framework of international law and the UN Charter.

According to him, our country seeks to establish a sustainable and just peace, restore its territorial integrity, as envisaged by the Ukrainian Peace Formula.

Andriy Yermak and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba spoke in detail about the ten points of Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Peace Formula. According to the Head of the President’s Office, since the aggression is taking place on the territory of our country, the Ukrainian peace plan contains comprehensive answers to all the challenges posed by this war.

“We are interested in China being involved in the implementation of the Ukrainian Peace Formula,” emphasized Andriy Yermak.

Chief of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov and Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Roman Mashovets briefed the Chinese government delegation on the situation at the front, enemy losses and recent massive Russian missile attacks on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure and the civilian casualties they caused.

Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets spoke about Ukrainian prisoners of war, both civilian and military, held by Russia. He informed about violations of rights of civilians and servicemen, as well as war crimes committed by the Russian Federation.

Advisor – President’s Commissioner for Children’s Rights and Children’s Rehabilitation Daria Herasymchuk spoke specifically about the illegal removal of Ukrainian children by the Russian invaders and their forced adoption in Russia. She called for joining international efforts to return little Ukrainians home to their families, as children are the future of every nation.

Deputy Prime Minister for Reconstruction of Ukraine, Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development Oleksandr Kubrakov informed the Chinese government delegation about the efforts of Ukraine and its partners, Türkiye and the United Nations, to continue the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which Russia has tried to disrupt. He emphasized the importance of ensuring unimpeded movement of ships along the grain corridor, as this maintains stability in the global food market and reduces the risk of food crises in the most vulnerable countries in Asia and Africa.

Minister of Energy Herman Halushchenko and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to China Pavlo Riabikin told the Chinese representatives about the dangers of Russia’s capture of the Zaporizhzhia NPP. They noted that the presence of Russian military equipment and soldiers at the plant, who have effectively taken the NPP staff hostage, increases nuclear risks for the entire continent, and stressed that the Zaporizhzhia NPP should be demilitarized, as envisaged by the Ukrainian Peace Formula.

Source – President of Ukraine

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