Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
  • Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

August 29, 2023

Today, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Federal Reserve Board invited public comment on proposed guidance to help certain large bank holding companies further develop their Dodd-Frank Act Title I resolution plans.

These resolution plans, also known as “living wills,” describe a bank holding company’s strategy for rapid and orderly resolution under bankruptcy in the event of material financial distress or failure.

The guidance would generally apply to bank holding companies and foreign banking organizations with more than $250 billion in total assets but that are not the largest and most complex companies, which are already subject to guidance on resolution planning. The guidance would address the specific characteristics of, and risks posed by, this group of companies.

The guidance is organized around key areas of potential vulnerability, such as capital, liquidity, and operational capabilities that could be needed in resolution. Distinct from the guidance to the largest and most complex companies, the proposal would provide agency expectations for both single point of entry and multiple point of entry strategy needs, which are different strategies companies may adopt for their rapid and orderly resolution. It also would propose that foreign banking organizations develop their U.S. resolution strategies to be complementary to their global resolution plans.

The proposed guidance will be published in the Federal Register, with comments due by November 30, 2023.

Agencies request comment on proposed rule to require large banks to maintain long-term debt to improve financial stability and resolution

August 29, 2023

  • Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Office of the Comptroller of the Currency

Federal bank regulatory agencies today requested comment on a proposal that would require large banks with total assets of $100 billion or more to maintain a layer of long-term debt, which would improve financial stability by increasing the resolvability and resiliency of such institutions.

This proposal follows an advance notice of proposed rulemaking issued in October 2022 by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation that looked at several possible changes, including a long-term debt requirement to promote more orderly resolutions for large banks. The recent failures of three large banks have underscored the importance of supplementary, loss absorbing resources that regulators can use to resolve banks in a way that reduces costs and risk of disruption to the banking system.

By requiring each large bank to maintain a minimum amount of long-term debt to absorb losses, the proposal would increase the options available to resolve such banks in case of failure. Additionally, by reducing the risk that uninsured depositors would face losses, long-term debt can reduce the speed and severity of bank runs, and limit the risk of contagion when a bank is under stress.

This proposal is designed to address the risks specific to large banks that are not global systemically important banks (GSIBs) and would not materially change the existing requirements already in place for GSIBs. Additionally, the proposal would prohibit large banks from engaging in certain activities that could complicate their resolution and would disincentivize these banks from holding long-term debt issued by other banks to reduce interconnectedness and contagion in the banking system.

The proposal would provide a three-year phase-in period and would also allow certain outstanding long-term debt to count toward the minimum requirements to provide banks with a reasonable period to transition to the required characteristics of eligible long-term debt instruments.

Comments on the proposal are due by November 30, 2023.

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