Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Stockholm, 14 June 2022

Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson received NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Monday 13 June. During their meeting, Ms Andersson and Mr Stoltenberg discussed Sweden’s and Finland’s applications for NATO membership, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the security situation in Sweden’s neighbourhood.

At the press conference following her meeting with Mr Stoltenberg, Ms Andersson said that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was a watershed for Europe and Sweden that has changed Sweden’s security situation.

After careful consideration with the parties represented in the Riksdag, my Government decided, with broad support from the public and in the Riksdag, to apply for NATO membership, she said.

Ms Andersson stressed that because Sweden and Finland applied together, security will improve for both countries, as well as for the Baltic Sea region, Europe and NATO. She also said that Sweden takes Turkey’s views on Sweden’s and Finland’s applications very seriously and that she warmly welcomes Mr Stoltenberg’s work to facilitate dialogue between the countries.

“We have a lot to offer NATO and its members. Both Sweden and Finland will contribute to security in the region and for the whole of NATO, including Turkey,” said Ms Andersson.

Source – Swedish Government

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