Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell travels to Ankara today together with European Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi for joint talks with Turkish representatives. They will discuss the donor conference in support of the earthquake victims in Türkiye and Syria, initiated by Sweden together with the European Commission.

“Sweden stands in solidarity with the people affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye. I’m looking forward to talking to the Turkish representatives to get a picture of their country’s needs and relief efforts. Sweden has already provided assistance during the most critical phase and we will stay at Türkiye’s side during the arduous work that remains,” says Mr Forssell.

The talks will address Türkiye’s humanitarian needs and how the EU can support Türkiye in the long term. As holder of the Presidency of the Council of the EU, Sweden has decided to arrange a donor conference together with the European Commission in March to support the earthquake victims in Türkiye and Syria. The conference is being planned in dialogue with Türkiye.

“For Sweden, it goes without saying that we will use our Presidency to push for strong and broad international support for the people and communities affected by the earthquakes. Sweden is a leading aid donor and we have extensive experience in bringing the international community together to support crisis situations. There are also strong links between Türkiye and Sweden. Many people in Sweden are deeply concerned and affected by the events in Türkiye. It was therefore a natural step for the Government to take the initiative to organise this conference,” says Mr Forssell.

Source – EU Council (Swedish Presidency)

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