Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

May 11, Wednesday

Executive Order on the Presidential Commission on Personnel Policy at Certain Federal Government Agencies May 11, 2022, 15:00

Vladimir Putin signed the Executive Order On the Presidential Commission on Personnel Policy at Certain Federal Government Agencies.


The Executive Order aims to improve personnel policy in certain federal government bodies.

According to the Executive Order, the Presidential Commission on Personnel Policy at the Prosecutor’s Office and Law Enforcement Agencies will be transformed into the Presidential Commission on Personnel Policy at Certain Federal Government Agencies.


May 10, Tuesday

Vladimir Mazur appointed Acting Governor of the Tomsk Region May 10, 2022, 20:20

The President signed Executive Order On Early Termination of the Tomsk Region Governor’s Powers.
May 10, 2022

The President accepted the resignation of Tomsk Region Governor Sergei Zhvachkin and appointed Vladimir Mazur Acting Governor of the Tomsk Region until a newly elected Governor of the Tomsk Region takes office.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, Mr Mazur.

Vladimir Mazur: Good afternoon, Mr President.

Vladimir Putin: Mr Mazur, I have seen your impressive work record. You started out as a rank-and-file farmer in Siberia, and you know Siberia very well. It would be no exaggeration to say that you later received a brilliant education and defended a PhD thesis.

You have such a large family with five children. These are all your children?

Vladimir Mazur: Yes, I have a son, a daughter and triplet daughters.

Vladimir Putin: This is great, my congratulations. That is a big achievement in life.

To the best of my knowledge, you worked as Deputy Governor of the Tyumen Region, and you headed the administration of Tobolsk. On the whole, you have good knowledge of Siberia.

What do you think about the development of the Tomsk Region, which ranks among key Siberian and Russian territories? It has tremendous potential, not to mention its education cluster.

Go ahead, please.

Vladimir Mazur: Thank you, Mr President.

Indeed, the city of Tomsk has a very impressive potential. It is a region of talented and hard-working people, including scientists and farmers tilling high-risk land plots.

Of course, my current high-priority tasks include efforts to evaluate the region’s socioeconomic development and healthcare system. We need to make people’s lives better, more comfortable and safer.

Of course, it is now important to focus on the creation of jobs and a new economic potential that the region, without doubt, boasts. Mr President, considering our experience, the people and we will not let you down, and I am confident that we will achieve good results.

Vladimir Putin: Good, Mr Mazur.

I wish you every success and good luck.

Vladimir Mazur. Thank you very much.

Vladimir Putin: We will discuss specific aspects of your work later on.

I wish you all the best, and good luck.

Vladimir Mazur: Thank you very much, and I wish you all the best.

Source – The Russian Kremlin:


Roman Busargin appointed Acting Governor of the Saratov Region May 10, 2022, 20:15

The President signed Executive Order On Early Termination of the Saratov Region Governor’s Powers.


The President accepted the resignation of Saratov Region Governor Valery Radayev and appointed Roman Busargin Acting Governor of the Saratov Region until a newly elected Governor of the Saratov Region takes office.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, Mr Busargin.

Roman Busargin: Good afternoon, Mr President.

Vladimir Putin: You need no introduction to the Saratov Region. I can see that you were born and have lived and worked there your entire life. Now you serve as the deputy chair of the regional government, dealing with local economic activities, which is a key area of focus for any region.

Mr Busargin, what is your assessment of the current state of affairs and short-term prospects?

Roman Busargin: Mr President, we have certain development prospects outlined, primarily concerning socioeconomic issues, population issues and investment potential.

Last year, the region had a budget surplus for the first time in ten years. If you vest your confidence in me, I will try to use the best of my experience and justify your expectations.

Vladimir Putin: You do have significant experience and your overall results have been quite satisfactory. You know what you are doing.

Mr Busargin, I want to wish you success and I hope that your knowledge, experience and understanding of the region will benefit the people and the Saratov Region.

I am certain that this region’s tremendous potential will be able to multiply under your leadership and will be used in the best possible way.

Roman Busargin: Thank you.

I will do my utmost to justify your confidence, Mr President.

Vladimir Putin: Good, Mr Busargin. Good luck.

Source – The Russian Kremlin:


Pavel Malkov appointed Acting Governor of the Ryazan Region May 10, 2022, 20:10

The President signed Executive Order On Early Termination of Ryazan Region Governor’s Powers.


The President accepted the resignation of Ryazan Region Governor Nikolai Lyubimov and appointed Pavel Malkov Acting Governor of the Ryazan Region until a newly elected Governor of the Ryazan Region takes office.

(No meeting published)


Alexander Sokolov appointed Acting Governor of the Kirov Region May 10, 2022, 20:05

The President signed Executive Order On Early Termination of the Kirov Region Governor’s Powers.


The President accepted the resignation of Kirov Region Governor Igor Vasilyev and appointed Alexander Sokolov Acting Governor of the Kirov Region until a newly elected Governor of the Kirov Region takes office.

(No meeting published)


Yury Zaitsev appointed Acting Head of the Republic of Mari El May 10, 2022, 20:00

The President signed Executive Order On Early Termination of the Republic of Mari El Head’s Powers.


The President accepted the resignation of the Republic of Mari El Head Alexander Yevstifeyev and appointed Yury Zaitsev Acting Head of the Republic of Mari El until a newly elected Head of the Republic of Mari El takes office.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, Mr Zaitsev.

Yury Zaitsev: Good afternoon, Mr President.

Vladimir Putin: Mr Zaitsev, I have looked at the documents about your professional experience. You are from the Moscow Region, and you have a good education, serious education, and a long work record.

Of course, your current post as head of the Government of Kalmykia is a high position that implies many responsibilities. You also know the republic where you will now be appointed to work.

Mr Zaitsev, I would like you to tell me, after you have considered the situation in Mari El, what you consider to be the most important issues and which of them should be given priority attention.

Go ahead, please.

Yury Zaitsev: Thank you, Mr President.

To date, I have analysed the main parameters of the republic. I have formed a general picture, and I would like to tell you the following about what I plan to do in the region first of all.

The socioeconomic situation is very important: how people live, what they want and what problems they are facing. When I form this vision and translate it into a comprehensive action programme, I will be ready to present it to you, to tell you what I plan to do to improve the region, possibly in person, if I may.

In principle, Kalmykia and Mari El are similar in some respects, notably, the economy, and the difference in their budgets is relatively small. Therefore, I hope to form an understanding of the situation rather quickly.

Vladimir Putin: Good.

Mr Zaitsev, I think it was a slip of the tongue when you said that it is important to know how people live. It is in fact the most important thing.

Yury Zaitsev: Mr President, I fully agree with you on this.

Vladimir Putin: Yes, it is the main issue. When you know how people live, what needs they have and what is lacking in their lives now, you will be able to formulate your development plans based on this knowledge.

I sincerely hope that you will do this quickly and report on this to me.


Yury Zaitsev: I certainly will, Mr President.

Vladimir Putin: Good.

Yury Zaitsev: Thank you very much.

Source – The Russian Kremlin:

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