Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Brussels, 18 October 2021

On Friday 15 October, European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič hosted Lord David Frost in Brussels to start an intensive period of discussions on the package of far-reaching, practical solutions that the EU proposed on 13 October, in order to reach common solutions with the United Kingdom on the implementation of the Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland. The EU’s proposals aim to help Northern Ireland deal with the consequences of Brexit, while further benefitting from the Protocol.

Vice President Šefčovič welcomes that both sides have agreed to engage intensively and constructively at both expert and political level, with a set of meetings scheduled this week in Brussels with the UK team. The EU seeks to focus on the areas that matter most to Northern Irish people and businesses, and where we can find common ground. Swift joint solutions would bring the stability, certainty and predictability that Northern Ireland deserves, ultimately protecting the Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement in all its dimensions.

Source: EC:

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