Wed. Sep 18th, 2024


Speech by the Minister for Environment and Climate Per Bolund at a roundtable discussion on April 23 led by US Climate Envoy John Kerry and Secretary of State Antony Blinken during President Joe Biden’s climate summit. Check against delivery.

Thank you John and Tony for this opportunity to share some Swedish thoughts on the themes of President Biden’s Leaders Summit. We’re having this roundtable at a crucial time.

One key area we need to tackle is the transition of the heavy industry. It’s a difficult sector, but the transition will be rewarding.

I am happy that the United States has joined the Leadership Group for Industry Transition, LeadIT. We are proud partners with India, and a group of ambitious countries and industries, and with the United States on board, the momentum for industry transition grows even stronger. I believe that together, we can change mindsets and drive global change. I welcome other ambitious actors to join us as well!

The green transition is good for all of us. It is a driver of job creation as well as innovation. Swedish companies engage in climate action to enhance their competitiveness.

Sweden is proud to be one of the worlds’ largest providers of climate finance. But it is also our job as governments – in both developed and developing countries – to ensure a regulatory framework that attracts private investments.

We need to step up on climate ambition. I expect all Parties to deliver ambitious NDCs ahead of COP26. Recent reports show we are far from keeping the promise we made in Paris. In view of this, I welcome the new ambitious goals from the United States.

Finally, the next year marks 50 years since the first UN Conference on the Human Environment, which was held in Stockholm. Sweden is once again inviting governments, businesses, and youth to a Stockholm+50 in June 2022. We aim to mobilize political energy for accelerated implementation and driving action on the ground towards 2030 and beyond. Stockholm+50 in an opportunity to identify key actions that governments and non-state actors can take to increase progress towards sustainable economic recovery in harmony with nature.

In closing, I want to thank the USA for your leadership. We need to act now, and we need to act with confidence. We are all allies in our efforts to live up to the promises we have made to our children.

Thank you.

Source: Swedish Government: View the full speech on government.sePer BolundMinistry of the Environment

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