Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Brussels, 29 November 2022

The Commission has adopted the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) programmes for Spain and Croatia. The total amount of the allocated funds for Spain, which cover this six-year period, is €1.57 billion, of which the EU contribution accounts for €1.12 billion.

The total amount of the allocated funds for Croatia is €348 million over the next six years, of which the EU contribution accounts for €243.6 million.

The programmes’ allocations will be mostly dedicated to sustainable fisheries, sustainable aquaculture and processing as well as to sustainable blue economy in coastal regions and the strengthening of the international ocean governance.

For Spain, the programme will also put a strong focus on the Canary Islands, supporting this outermost region on structural investments particularly targeting the small-scale fisheries businesses, making the profession more attractive. For Croatia, the programme will reinforce the environmental actions undertaken under the Croatian prioritised action framework for Natura 2000.

Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, said: 

“I am pleased to announce the adoption of the EMFAF programmes for Spain and Croatia. The EMFAF programme for Spain is the largest Member State programme and will play a crucial role for the future of the fishing sector in Spain. It will emphasise on the development of an ecosystem-based management, improve digitalisation and energy efficiency and will train professionals accordingly. It will open new perspectives for the sustainable development of this important sector in Spain and at the same time ensure the protection and restoration of biodiversity. The programme for Croatia will significantly accelerate the transition towards sustainable use of natural resources, support the protection and restoration of aquatic biodiversity, as well as promote low-carbon aquaculture and processing.

More information is available here and here. Spain’s and Croatia’s Partnership Agreements are also available.

Source – EU Commission

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