Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

September 12th 2023

Defence ministers Gram (Norway) and Pistorius (Germany) signed an agreement to deepen and broaden the cooperation between the countries.

– I highly appreciate the strategic bilateral cooperation in regards to security- and defence policy. It is of mutual interest that we continue to deepen and broaden this cooperation. By signing this DoI we are signalling a mutual will to further develop a joint strategic partnership, says Minister of Defence Norway Bjørn Arild Gram (Centre Party).

– German and Norwegian soldiers have been standing shoulder to shoulder in international operations, as well as during operations in Norway and in the Baltic. Germany was a main contributor to the Trident Juncture Exercise and Cold Response 2022, says Gram.

– Norway and Germany are long-standing and close partners in defence procurements. We have recently entered into a long-term, strategic partnership on submarines and missiles, which is valuable and beneficial for both nations.

– Germany and Norway share common interests and values. These will remain a firm anchor of our bilateral relations and form the basis for enhanced cooperation between our two countries in the future. We want to further strengthen the capacity of NATO and Europe to take action in matters of security policy. We, the Defence Ministers of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Norway, have agreed to enhance the bilateral co-operation in the area of security and defence and thereby further develop the quality of the relations between the armed forces of our two countries, says Gram.

Maritime Security

– We are very happy with the close cooperation between our navies. Since the sabotage against Nordstream 1 and 2, Norway has increased its military posture around energy-related infrastructure, including sub-sea infrastructure in the North Sea.

– The strategic maritime material cooperation between Norway and Germany is strong. The cooperation is still growing stronger as our main programs, the submarine- and missile program, progresses according to plan.

Source – Government of Norway


Norway and German mark production start of world leading submarine design

– Norway and Germany are now setting a new standard for allied cooperation by becoming the first countries to build and operate identical submarines. Today we marked the opening of the world’s most modern production facility for conventional submarines, and production start of the world’s most modern conventional submarine, the 212CD, said Minister of Defence Bjørn Arild Gram (Centre Party) from Norway.

The contracts for the U212 Common Design (CD) were signed on 8 July 2021 following extensive preparation and negotiations between the Norwegian (NDMA) and German materiel organisations (BAAINBw) and the contractor tkMS.

The German-Norwegian submarine program is making great strides forward. Only two years after signing the largest order in thyssen krupp’s history, production of the six identical (212CD) submarines for the German and Norwegian navies is officially underway.

– The first of the new submarines will be delivered to Norway in 2029. The contracts cover the acquisition of six submarines – four for Norway and two for Germany, says Gram.

Norway and Germany intend to establish a joint life-cycle management office, staffed by personnel from both countries, to plan and conduct maintenance and upgrades of all six submarines.

A dedicated maintenance shipyard for the Norwegian and German 212CDs is under construction at the Haakonsvern Naval Base outside Bergen in Norway which is expected to be ready by the time the first submarine enters service in 2029.  The maintenance yard will also host the joint life cycle management office.

– The combined value of the two contracts is more than €5 billion. Additional submarines are also an open discussion, says Gram.

Source – Government of Norway

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