Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Helsinki, 1 November 2022

Minister of Commerce of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Dr. Majid Alkassabi will visit Finland on 1–4 November on the invitation of Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari.

In Finland, Dr. Majid Alkassabi will be accompanied by government representatives, senior officials and business representatives from Saudi Arabia. During his visit in Finland, Minister of Commerce Alkassabi will meet Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto, Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka, Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä and Minister of Science and Culture Petri Honkonen as well as representatives of Finnish business and industry. Trade will be promoted in the sectors of energy, information technology, logistics, education, tourism, games industry, mining, construction, food industry, and forest industry.

Saudi Arabia is Finland’s most important export market in the Persian Gulf region. The visit will strengthen the bilateral economic and trade relations between Finland and Saudi Arabia. It is a follow-up to Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari’s visit to Riyadh on 24–26 October 2022.

The Saudi-Finnish Joint Committee is an economic commission between Finland and Saudi Arabia. The Committee plays a key role in coordinating economic cooperation between the two countries. A follow-up meeting of the Committee will be organised in connection of Minister of Commerce Majid Alkassabi’s visit to Finland.

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