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Today’s decision strengthen the ability of the EU to counter sanctions circumvention as well as to target the information warfare conducted by Russia. Photo by GDJ on Pixabay

Brussels, 23 June 2023

Within the comprehensive eleventh package of sanctions adopted earlier today, the Council decided to impose restrictive measures on an additional 71 individuals and 33 entities responsible for actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine.

Today we are targeting 104 individuals and entities who are instrumental in the continuation of this brutal war, including those responsible for military activities, for political decisions, who are polluting the public space with disinformation and malicious narratives, adding to the military warfare also through information warfare. We are also targeting those involved in inhumane deportations and forced adoption of Ukrainian children to Russia, as well Russian IT companies providing critical technology and software to the Russian intelligence. We will continue to increase pressure on Russia as long as it takes.

Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Today’s decision strengthen the ability of the EU to counter sanctions circumvention as well as to target the information warfare conducted by Russia. It also adds 104 new listings, which cover various sectors and categories of individuals and entities.

As regards the first point, the Council adopted the first listing related to sanctions circumvention, following an infringement procedure in one member state. The Council also extended the existing listing criterion on circumvention so as to cover also individuals and entities significantly frustrating the restrictive measures in such a way as to contribute to Russia’s capacity to wage war.

In response to the information warfare conducted by Russia, the Council introduced a new listing criterion to cover companies in the IT sector that provide critical technology and software to the Russian intelligence community. Based on this new listing criterion, the Council designated companies from the IT sector holding a licence administered by the Federal Security Service or the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

A substantial number of designations target the Russian military and defence sector: senior military officials of the Russian armed forces, companies manufacturing missiles, drones, anti-aircraft missile system, military vehicles and high-tech components for weapons, as well as companies producing goods and technologies covered by the above-mentioned licences.

Designations also include individuals responsible for the forced transfers and deportation of Ukrainian children and persons responsible for the looting of Ukraine’s cultural heritage.

Today’s sanctions also continue to target actors involved in disinformation, including the listing of a television and radio company linked to the Russian armed forces, media executivespropagandists and other individuals responsible for disinformation.

The Council is also sanctioning the Foundation for the Support and Protection of the Rights of Compatriots Living Abroad, which plays an important supporting role in implementing the foreign policy goals of the Russian Government, and its Executive Directorand tasked with coordinating the mobilisation efforts of the Russian Federation to support its war of aggression against Ukraine.

The Council also designated separatist military officials who were convicted by a Dutch court over the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. This action is taken in close coordination with Australia.

Lastly, designations includes members of the judiciary who took politically motivated decisions against Ukrainian citizens who opposed the annexation of Crimea, as well as businesspersons, a deputy minister and a number of Russian local officials and two banks: MRB Bank and CMR Bank, which operate in the illegally annexed territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia.

Altogether, EU restrictive measures in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine now apply to almost 1 800 individuals and entities altogether. All those designated in respect of actions undermining or threatening the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine are subject to an asset freeze and EU citizens and companies are forbidden from making funds available to them. Natural persons are additionally subject to a travel ban, which prevents them from entering or transiting through EU territories. In the European Council conclusions of 23 March 2023, the EU reiterated its resolute condemnation of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, which constitutes a manifest violation of the UN Charter. The EU also reiterated that it remained committed to maintaining and increasing collective pressure on Russia, including through possible further restrictive measures.

The European Council conclusions also underlined the importance and urgency of stepping up efforts to ensure the effective implementation of sanctions at European and national level and its firm commitment to effectively preventing and countering their circumvention in and by third countries.

The EU stands firmly and fully with Ukraine and will continue to provide strong political, economic, military, financial and humanitarian support to Ukraine and its people for as long as it takes.

The relevant legal acts, including the names of the listed individuals and entities, have been published in the Official Journal of the EU.

Source – EU Council

Finland: 11th package of EU sanctions against Russia focuses on preventing sanctions circumvention


Helsinki, 23 June 2023

The European Union introduces significant new instruments in its eleventh package of restrictive measures against Russia to prevent circumvention and evasion of sanctions, particularly through third countries. These instruments include several facilities for targeting sanctions against parties that circumvent sanctions and assist in such circumvention. Export bans, bans on transit through Russia and individual sanctions lists are expanded.

The EU expands the sanctions that it imposed in response to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. This is now the eleventh EU sanctions package arising from the invasion. The newly approved sanctions package introduces significant new measures to prevent sanctions circumvention.

The ban on transit of export-controlled goods through Russia is extended. The EU prohibits the transit through Russia of products and technologies that may be used to enhance Russian military and technological capabilities, and to develop the defence and security sector. The transit ban will now include aviation and space industry products and technologies, aviation fuels and their additives.

A new mechanism is introduced to prevent circumvention of sanctions. This mechanism may be applied to companies in third countries that have systematically failed to prevent the transit to Russia of goods subject to sanctions. It would be applied as a last resort if the desired outcome could not be achieved through diplomatic negotiations with these countries.

Export licences permitted by the regulation will be withheld from entities operating in third countries that have participated in circumventing sanctions or assisting in such activity.

The criteria for targeting sanctions against sanctions busters is also expanded. Individuals who promote infringement of the ban on evading sanctions set out in Council decisions and regulations, or who otherwise systematically act in a manner contrary to the purpose of sanctions may be subject in future to individual sanctions.

Sanctions regulations expand the list of individuals and entities that are subject to sanctions. Representatives of the Russian armed forces or persons who support them, political operators, information influencers of Russian society, opinion formers and business influencers who support the Russian government or benefit from it will be added to the list. Some of the individuals listed are responsible for arranging the enforced relocation and illegal adoption of Ukrainian children. The entities listed are Russian state agencies, state-supporting organisations, undertakings that have supported the Russian armed forces, banks and media enterprises.

Products and technology that are used for maintaining Russia’s military apparatus and industrial capacity are added to the scope of export bans. These include electronic components, semiconductor materials, materials for making electronic circuits and printed circuit boards, source materials for energetic materials and chemical weapons, optical components, navigation instruments, and metals used in the defence sector and shipping.

Import bans on products that generate revenue for Russia to finance its invasion are expanded. These include coal products, lignite, peat products, non-hydrocarbon gases, and tar and pitch distilled from coal.

Derogations may also be granted for providing services required for establishing, certifying or evaluating the safeguard known as a firewall. Such firewalls seek to remove the right of a sanctioned individual to exercise control over the assets of an entity (such as an undertaking) that is not on the sanctions list, but is owned or controlled by the said individual within the territory of the EU.

A previously imposed operating ban is expanded by prohibiting the use of trailers registered in Russia within EU territory, even when towed by trucks that are registered in the EU and in third countries.

Restrictions on access to Union ports and locks will continue. The ban is extended to include vessels:

  • that import, purchase or transport products that are subject to sanctions.
  • that are suspected of being or have been found to be in violation of the ban on importing Russian crude oil or oil products, and of the oil price cap imposed by the G7 group (vessel to vessel transfer).
  • that illegally jam, turn off or otherwise disable their navigation systems when transporting Russian crude oil and petroleum products, except for safety and environmental reasons or in order to save lives.

The sale, licensing and transfer of trade secrets and intangible assets to Russia is prohibited.

Previous regulations concerning the importation of iron and steel products that are processed in third countries and contain Russian iron and steel products is clarified.

The provision of legal advice to Russian operators leaving the EU market is permitted until 31 March 2024.

Derogation possibility for the withdrawal from Russia of European company subsidiaries established in Russia is extended until the end of 2023. The derogation concerns the transfer of products subject to sanctions that are held by the subsidiary in the context of a business acquisition.

The individual and corporate sanctions regime
The sectoral sanctions regime

Source – Finnish Government

Sweden: EU adopts new sanctions against Russia


Stockholm, 23 June 2023

In view of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the EU is adopting new sanctions against Russia. This is the second sanctions package adopted during Sweden’s Presidency of the Council of the EU. The focus is on measures that restrict Russia’s access to European technology and prevent the sanctions from being circumvented via third countries.

“The destruction of the Kakhovka dam shows the brutality of Russia’s war against Ukraine and its contempt for civilian life and infrastructure. It also shows the need for the EU to increase the pressure on Russia. Through the new sanctions, we are cutting off the Russian state’s revenues and war capacity even further. Sweden has been proactive in these efforts,” says Minister for Foreign Affairs Tobias Billström.

The new package will further limit Russia’s access to technology and industrial goods used in weapons systems. The package also includes measures to prevent circumvention of the sanctions and so ensure that these products do not reach Russia through intermediaries. The bans on access to EU ports and transit of goods through Russia are also being expanded.

In addition to the economic sanctions, some 100 people and entities are being added to the sanctions lists. Among those targeted by the sanctions are individuals who took part in the abduction of Ukrainian children, military and political decision-makers and companies that support or work in the military industry.

This is the second sanctions package adopted during Sweden’s Presidency. Sweden’s role has been to lead the discussions between the Member States and bring about an agreement on the sanctions, which are adopted unanimously.

Source – Swedish Government

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