Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
Chinese President Xi Jinping receives Russian President Vladimir Putin. Source: FMPRC

Version of the Chinese Foreign Ministry

Beijing, 18 October 2023

At the noon of October 18, President Xi Jinping held talks at the Great Hall of the People with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was in China for the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF).

President Xi pointed out that President Putin’s attendance at the BRF for the third time in a row demonstrates Russia’s support for the Belt and Road cooperation. Russia is an important partner of China in Belt and Road international cooperation. Major infrastructure projects including the China-Russia east-route natural gas pipeline are up and running, delivering tangible benefits to the two peoples. China will work with Russia and other members of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) to forge stronger synergy between the Belt and Road cooperation and the EEU, and carry out regional cooperation at a higher level and greater depths. President Xi expressed his hope for early substantive progress in the China-Mongolia-Russia natural gas pipeline, successful Great Tea Way cross-border tourism cooperation, and the building of the China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor as a road for high-quality interconnected development.

President Xi stressed that developing the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination with ever-lasting good neighborliness and mutually beneficial cooperation is not an expediency, but a long-term commitment. Next year will mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia. China stands ready to work with Russia to continue adding new dimensions to their practical cooperation with a keen grasp of the trend of the times and bearing in mind the fundamental interests of the two peoples. China supports people of Russia in following their choice of path to national rejuvenation and in safeguarding sovereignty, security and development interests of the country. The two sides will pursue high-quality practical cooperation, actively explore cooperation in emerging industries that are of strategic importance, and take the 2024-2025 China-Russia years of culture as an opportunity to carry out more diverse cultural activities.

President Xi pointed out that the recent historic expansion of BRICS membership has shown the confidence of developing countries in pursuing a multi-polar world and making international relations more democratic. China supports Russia in hosting the BRICS Summit in Kazan next year. China is ready to work with Russia to step up communication and coordination within the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, G20 and other multilateral frameworks, play a greater role in ensuring food security, energy security and stable global industrial and supply chains, and uphold the shared interests of the two countries, the region and the developing world.

President Putin extended congratulations on the successful convening of the third BRF. He noted that the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping 10 years ago has been a huge success and is now a widely recognized major international public goods. He applauded President Xi’s keynote speech at the opening ceremony and commended his vision. He expressed his confidence in the great cause of Belt and Road cooperation and wished it further success.

President Putin noted that during President Xi’s successful state visit to Russia in March, he and President Xi had in-depth discussions on many major issues and the consensus reached is being earnestly implemented. The evolution of the international landscape fully proves President Xi’s strategic judgment that the world is undergoing changes unseen in a century. Russia is ready to work with China to enhance communication and coordination in BRICS and other multilateral mechanisms, defend the international system based on international law and promote the building of a more just and equitable global governance system. There is only one China in the world. Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory. Russia is firmly committed to the one-China policy and firmly supports China in safeguarding its national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Russia is ready to take the opportunity of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic ties next year to further advance the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination.

The two heads of state also had in-depth exchange of views on the Palestinian-Israeli situation.

Cai Qi and Wang Yi attended the event.

Source – Foreign Ministry of China 


Version of the Russian Presidential Administration

Beijing, 18 October 2023

Vladimir Putin and President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping held talks in Beijing.

The meeting was held in an expanded format with the participation of the delegations. After the meeting, the international consultations continued in the working breakfast format.

Earlier that day, the President of Russia took part in the opening ceremony of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.

* * *

Beginning of Russian-Chinese talks

President of China Xi Jinping (retranslated): Mr President, it is your third visit to the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which demonstrates Russia’s support for this initiative.

During my visit, at your invitation, to Russia in March – this was my first visit after the re-election – we set a landmark for the development of bilateral relations and held a meaningful exchange of views on a number of current international and regional issues.

I am pleased to note that the governments, ministries and agencies, as well as regions of China and Russia have been working hard to implement the important agreements we have reached.

Mutual trust in our political relations is steadily growing. Close and effective strategic collaboration is being maintained. Bilateral trade has achieved historic records and is approaching the target of $200 billion we have set.

Mr President, during the ten years since 2013, the two of us have held 42 meetings and established good business-like relations and a strong personal friendship. <…>

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Xi Jinping, dear friend,

I am happy we are having this new meeting. Allow me once again, this time personally, to congratulate you and all our Chinese friends on the 74th anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

Next year will be an anniversary year for both your country and the diplomatic relations between our countries. On October 2, 1949, the next day after the establishment of the PRC, the USSR was the first to recognise new China.

As you have just said, your state visit to Russia took place in March, the first foreign visit after your re-election. We understand that this is a special sign indicating the level and nature of relations between the People’s Republic of China and Russia.

One and a half years after my last visit, all of us, our large delegation, are in Beijing again. We can see that the city is developing and prospering, and we are very glad for our Chinese friends.

Your idea of promoting wide-ranging cooperation between the countries of the historical Silk Road, which was put forward ten years ago, has gained momentum.

As I just said in my remarks at the forum, each country leader, when planning something in the area of economy or development, seeks to implement the plans that have been devised. Yet, we are never 100-percent sure how this will turn out. But our Chinese friends, China under your leadership, and you personally are highly successful in your endeavours. We are very glad for you and for all those involved in this wide-ranging collaboration, because everyone gains advantages from it.

You have just outlined a very strong and extensive programme to further promote your road and destiny idea intended to benefit, in effect, as you say yourself, the whole of humankind. We sincerely wish you success in this noble undertaking.

Under the difficult present-day conditions, it is particularly relevant to maintain close foreign policy coordination, something we are doing now. Today, we will discuss all of this, including, and primarily, our bilateral relations.

You have just mentioned our bar – our objective of reaching $200 billion in trade this year. If we look at the year-on-year figures – we analysed this yesterday evening – the 200-billion target was reached between this day a year ago and today, and this bar will certainly be exceeded by the end of the calendar year. Therefore, we are advancing very confidently on the bilateral plane as well.

Thank you.


Source – The Russian Kremlin:

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