Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Moscow, 14 February 2024

Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law On Amendments to the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure and Article 13 of Federal Law On Countering Extremist Activity.

The Federal Law changes the jurisdiction for considering administrative cases pertaining to recognising information materials as extremist. The Law states expressly that a supreme court of a republic, a territorial or regional court, a court of a federal-level city, a court of an autonomous region or a court of an autonomous area, rather than district courts, shall try the above-mentioned categories of cases. The relevant court is obliged to involve copyright holders, publishers, authors of materials and/or their translations as persons of interest in the case. If an administrative lawsuit on recognising a religious publication as extremist has been filed, experts specialising in the relevant religion shall take part in the case.

Corresponding amendments were also made to Federal Law On Countering Extremist Activity.

Source – The Russian Kremlin:

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