Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 21 February 2024

Halfway through its lifetime, the Recovery and Resilience Facility continues to deliver across the EU through ambitious reforms and investments

Today, the Commission presented the mid-term evaluation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the EU’s recovery instrument at the heart of the €800 billion NextGenerationEU (NGEU) plan.

Unprecedented in its scale and ambition, the RRF was established in February 2021 and has the two-fold objective of helping Member States to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as bolstering their resilience and making our economies and societies greener, more digital and more competitive. In short, fit for the future. It has also been vital in addressing urgent challenges, such as the knock-on impact of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

In their recovery and resilience plans (RRPs), Member States designed reforms and investments:

  • in line with the EU’s green, digital and social policy priorities, and
  • tailored to address national challenges identified in the European Semester through country-specific recommendations (CSRs).

The mid-term evaluation marks the half-way point of the RRF. It shows how the RRF delivered on its objectives so far.

President Ursula von der Leyen said: 

“We set up the €800 billion NextGenerationEU recovery plan as a powerful response to the economic and social fall-out from the pandemic. Three years into its existence, NextGenerationEU continues to support our economic recovery and drives positive change across the EU. We have seen funding for energy efficiency, renewable energy and digitalisation projects like never before. Our plan has supported young people to gain the skillsets they need and helped scale up our net-zero industry. With a unique combination of reforms and investments, NextGenerationEU is tackling national challenges and fast-tracking our common priorities for a green, inclusive, digital, resilient and competitive EU. Today’s mid-term evaluation sets out these achievements and leads the way to 2026.”

Making a real difference on the ground

Member States are delivering on the reform and investment agenda included in their plans. By the end of 2023, more than 1,150 milestones and targets had been assessed by the Commission as satisfactorily fulfilled. The achievement of these steps in the implementation of the reforms and investments has led to positive change and tangible results on the ground.

With the help of the RRF, for instance, over 28 million megawatt hours (MWh) in energy consumption have been saved. Over 5.6 million additional households now have internet access via very high-capacity networks, and almost 9 million people have benefitted from protection measures against climate-related disasters, such as floods and wildfires.

To date, close to €225 billion in RRF funds has already been disbursed to Member States. €67 billion was disbursed in pre-financing to kickstart the delivery of reforms and investments and alleviate the short-term impact of first the COVID-19 crisis, and then the energy crisis, on Member States’ budgets.

Member States and the Commission, along with the European Parliament and Council, have worked closely together to achieve these results.

Effective support for the EU’s economic recovery

The Commission estimates that around half of the expected increase in public investment between 2019 and 2025 results from investment financed by the EU budget, in particular by the RRF. Contrary to previous crises, public investment in Europe increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent energy crisis, from 3.0% in 2019 to an estimated 3.3% in 2023. In 2024, public investment is expected to reach 3.4% of GDP.

Most plans were prepared swiftly in 2021, paving the way for substantial pre-financing, and the delivery on the ground started rapidly. Economic activity bounced back to pre-pandemic levels and unemployment declined to record-low levels of around 6%. The Commission’s economic modelling suggests that NGEU has the potential to increase EU real GDP by up to 1.4% in 2026, compared to a situation without NGEU. These results do not include the expected significant growth-enhancing impact of the reforms included in the recovery plans, which plays out in the longer run. EU employment is expected to increase by up to 0.8% in the short term.

An agile instrument

Member States have used the RRF strategically to tackle long-standing challenges and to respond to new ones.

By the end of 2023, the Council had endorsed revisions of all 27 plans to maximise their impact in a changing context. They were updated to help address increased energy prices following Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, high inflation and supply chain disruptions. In Greece, Slovenia and Croatia, plans were also updated to help tackle natural disasters, which – in addition to the human suffering they caused – made it challenging to implement certain reforms and investments.

These updates considerably increased the size of EU support for our economies with close to €150 billion. This includes additional financing for 23 REPowerEU chapters and €125.5 billion in additional loan support. In total, the RRF is set to inject €650 billion in financial support to our economies.

Driving the delivery of structural reforms

Member States have used the RRF to make significant progress in addressing the country-specific recommendations issued in the context of the European Semester. The performance-based nature of the RRF, where payment of EU funds is conditional on meeting agreed milestones and targets, has proven its ability to drive the delivery of long-awaited reforms in a wide range of policy areas, notably to support the green and digital transitions, and to improve social and institutional resilience. Furthermore, with the implementation of the REPowerEU chapters, we expect to see a speeding up of planning and permitting procedures notably for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.

The share of 2019-2020 country-specific recommendations (CSRs) on which Member States had made at least ‘some progress’ increased between 2021 and 2023 from 52% to 69%. This is a significant improvement compared to previous years.

A considerable boost for the green transition  

The RRF is a key instrument to accelerate the EU’s green transition. All Member States’ plans have exceeded the 37% target on climate objectives, with some Member States dedicating over 50% of their total plan to the green agenda. In addition, the RRF supports employment and social policies, helping to make the green transition fair.

Through the REPowerEU chapters in the recovery plans, a further €60 billion in RRF funds will be dedicated to the green transition. This will help save energy, speed up the production of clean energy and diversify the EU’s energy supplies, also promoting the scale-up of manufacturing capacity of the net-zero industry.

Implementation set to accelerate

The revisions of the plans had an impact on the pace of implementation of the existing plans. Still, implementation on the ground continued to move ahead throughout 2023, with a doubling of the number of payment requests submitted by the end of 2023, from 27 to 54.

This positive momentum is expected to continue as Member States are geared to push ahead with implementation, given that the RRF lasts until 2026. The Commission is currently assessing 18 payment requests. More than 20 further payment requests are expected to be submitted in 2024. On this basis, the Commission expects to disburse over €100 billion in additional payments by the end of the year.

Over the course of its lifetime, the RRF, through the national plans, will drive the delivery of numerous investments and reforms that will bring positive change for EU citizens, businesses and the EU at large. The mid-term evaluation is accompanied by country snapshots that illustrate the most iconic and impactful projects and reforms included in each recovery plan.

Lessons learned

The mid-term evaluation highlights the broad support from Member States and other stakeholders for the performance-based nature of the RRF. Paying out on the basis of progress and results achieved, rather than costs incurred, provides predictability and accountability for both Member States and the Commission. The fast roll-out and swift disbursements show that the RRF has supported Member States in times of crisis, and the unique combination of investments and reforms help our economies to become better equipped for the future.

The mid-term evaluation also points to some areas for improvement. Sufficient flexibility in the design and implementation of RRPs is necessary to ensure continued added value and smooth implementation. Adequate administrative capacity in Member States is key for a swift RRF implementation, as is the close involvement of regional and local authorities, as well as social partners.


The RRF Regulation requires that the Commission provide the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions with a mid-term evaluation on the implementation of the Facility. This will be followed by an ‘ex post evaluation’ in 2028, with a ‘global assessment of the Facility and its impact’, once the measures included in the recovery plans are fully implemented.

The mid-term evaluation in the Commission’s evaluation report follows the Better Regulation Guidelines: it assesses progress made until 31 December 2023 in achieving the objectives of the RRF Regulation in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value. While it is too early to assess the full extent of the RRF’s impact, the evaluation report takes stock of the progress achieved and the lessons learnt, based on an open public consultation and an independent external study.


Mid-Term Evaluation

General Factsheet

REPowerEU Factsheet

Recovery and Resilience Facility

Recovery and Resilience Facility project map

Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard

Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation

EU as a borrower


We set up the €800 billion NextGenerationEU recovery plan as a powerful response to the economic and social fall-out from the pandemic. Three years into its existence, NextGenerationEU continues to support our economic recovery and drives positive change across the EU. We have seen funding for energy efficiency, renewable energy and digitalisation projects like never before. Our plan has supported young people to gain the skillsets they need and helped scale up our net-zero industry. With a unique combination of reforms and investments, NextGenerationEU is tackling national challenges and fast-tracking our common priorities for a green, inclusive, digital, resilient and competitive EU. Today’s mid-term evaluation sets out these achievements and leads the way to 2026.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Since it was set up, the RRF has been transforming economies and societies across Europe to make them more sustainable, strengthen our overall resilience and drive forward the green and digital transitions. This mid-term evaluation shows that its innovative performance-based approach is bringing real results on the ground, with enough flexibility to adapt to new challenges such as inflation and energy security issues. As the RRF enters the second half of its lifetime, there are also lessons to be learned, and we are listening carefully to people, business and Member States so that we can further improve implementation.

Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President for an Economy that Works for People

Half-way through the lifetime of the RRF, we can point to a number of key achievements. In the darkest months of the pandemic, the announcement helped to calm markets and avoid a great fragmentation among EU economies. Then as funds started flowing, the RRF gave a boost to the economic rebound, sustaining public investment and accelerating the reduction in unemployment. In the two years since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, it has helped our economies to navigate incredibly rough waters. And over the coming years, as investments proceed and the benefits of reforms gradually play out, the RRF’s impact on EU growth is set to further increase. The Commission will continue to work hard to support our Member States in making a success of this unique opportunity.

Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy
Source – EU Commission

Statements by EU Commission Executive VP Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni at the press conference on the mid-term evaluation of the RRF



Brussels, 21 February 2024

Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis

As we reach the halfway point of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, it is a good time to take stock of what we have achieved with this ground-breaking instrument.

The RRF has succeeded in its immediate ambition: to help Member States recover faster from the harsh social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It inspired confidence at a very difficult time. With each national recovery plan adopted, it brought clarity of purpose. Thankfully, we have now moved on from the pandemic.

The RRF has another, more future-oriented goal.

This is to boost the EU’s overall resilience and make our economies and societies more sustainable, especially by supporting the green and digital transitions. And it is achieving these aims as well.

Since it was set up in early 2021, the RRF has been transforming economies and societies across Europe.

This is the first time that we are managing to combine investments with growth-enhancing structural reforms.

All EU countries need these to tackle longstanding challenges – and also new ones. The RRF has brought a fundamental change in implementation as Member States carry out country-specific recommendations and put EU priorities into effect.

The benefits are clear and tangible, as we can see from the mid-term evaluation that we are presenting today.

The RRF’s innovative approach to EU spending, based on performance rather than costs, is bringing real results on the ground. Let me give you a few examples, and there are many hundreds of reforms and investments to choose from.

They are all thanks to RRF funding:

  • France is pressing ahead with a renovation programme to make 1.5 million households more energy efficient.
  • Bulgaria is improving its minimum income scheme.
  • Austria has introduced a scheme to make climate-friendly transport easy and affordable.
  • Lithuania is improving school infrastructure and making sure that children have equal access to education.
  • Greece is investing heavily in the digital transformation of its public sector entities.

These are just a few examples.

So far, we have paid out €225 billion in RRF funding to Member States, based on completed milestones and targets.

Based on the latest national reporting, we should see around 54% of all milestones and targets completed by the end of 2024. This corresponds to around €100 billion of new payments this year.

We expect, and we need, the pace of implementation to pick up during the second half of the RRF’s lifetime. In some cases, Member States will also have to catch up on delays.

Despite the challenges posed by high inflation and tense geopolitics, we see a sustained increase in investment in the EU. This is largely thanks to the impact of the RRF.

It is boosting public investment, which is expected to reach 3.4% of GDP this year.

And it is helping to generate private investments through enabling reforms.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that Member States have been carrying out their RRF reforms and investments through a particularly difficult period.

First, the COVID-19 pandemic.

Next, Russia’s continuing aggression against Ukraine – which led to disruptions in global energy markets and supply chains.

Against these fast-moving developments, the RRF has proved to be a flexible tool that can quickly adapt to new crises.

Its innovative design and priorities make it vital for addressing recent challenges linked to competitiveness and energy security.

Last year, Member States focused on revising their plans to address the impact of inflation and supply chain disruptions.

Some countries – Greece, Slovenia and Croatia – also had to cope with natural disasters like floods and wildfires.

We also encouraged Member States to include chapters to reflect the priorities of the REPowerEU plan, to:

  • diversify the EU’s energy supplies,
  • produce more clean energy,
  • and accelerate the green transition.

Through the REPowerEU chapters, a further €60 billion will be dedicated to speeding up the green transition.

The RRF funding is supporting vast amounts of sustainable transport, energy efficiency renovations and renewable energy installations.

In all, €68 billion in RRF funding will support clean tech, clean energy and the decarbonisation of EU industry.

More than 3,000 kilometres of electricity transmission and distribution lines will be modernised.

This is roughly the distance between Lisbon and Riga.

However, despite the evident success of the Facility, it has not all been plain sailing. There are also lessons to be learned.

Feedback from Member States tells us there is room for greater flexibility and simplification.

One example is the very detailed definition of milestones and targets to be met for each payment. Another is the accumulation of data collection requirements for audit and control purposes.

Involving other parties such as regional and local authorities, as well as social partners, is crucial for a country to plan and carry out measures contained in its national plan. But the degree of their involvement varies a lot around the EU.

Social partners must play a pivotal role in the design and implementation of labour market and social policy reforms.

And if a national plan is to bring its full benefits, countries must have enough administrative capacity to make sure that RRF funds are properly managed, absorbed and put to the best use.

I will conclude here and pass over to Paolo. Thank you.

Commissioner Gentiloni 

Good morning.

It is of course too early to deliver a fully fledged evaluation of NextGenerationEU. While the Regulation was adopted three years ago this week, most of 2021 was devoted to negotiating plans, so the actual implementation phase has been more like a couple of years; indeed much less for some Member States.

Nonetheless, we can point to a number of key achievements of this European success story.

The first achievement was immediate: the announcement of NextGenerationEU, a moment variously described as Hamiltonian or Rubiconian, led to an immediate narrowing of sovereign bond spreads. Of course, policy action at national level and by the ECB also played a role in this regard. But the NextGenerationEU decision was a game-changer in preventing a great European fragmentation.

Another immediate effect of the RRF was to get funds flowing relatively quickly: we disbursed €56.5 billion in pre-financing in 2021 and 2022, and an additional €10.4 billion of pre-financing this past winter upon the approval of the REPowerEU chapters.

NextGenerationEU also made the Commission a major player in capital markets. The volume of our issuance increased from €0.4 billion in 2019 to €120 billion in 2021 – of course also strengthening the international role of the euro.

The RRF also brought a new dimension to EU funding instruments by making the financing of investments conditional upon the implementation of reforms. Member States have used the RRF to tackle long-standing challenges – as reflected in the sharp improvement in progress with country-specific recommendations. As you will recall, all plans are required to address ‘all or a significant subset of relevant CSRs’. After two years of NextGenerationEU, this incentive had led to an increase of 17 percentage points in the share of CSRs for which ‘some progress’ had been achieved – from 52% in 2021 to almost 69% in 2023.

Furthermore, NextGenerationEU has played a key role in the preservation of public investment, a development that stands in stark contrast to the disastrous experience of the post-financial crisis years, when public investment collapsed. Based on our Autumn Forecast, the EU’s public investment ratio is expected to rise to 3.5% of GDP in 2025, up from 3.0% in 2019. And around half of that increase is related to EU funding, particularly the RRF.

The RRF played an important role in sustaining the robust rebound after the pandemic, which saw the EU economy return to its pre-pandemic output level by the third quarter of 2021 – sooner than expected. This again was very different to what happened in the wake of the financial crisis, when it took seven years for output to fully recover.

Modelling by the UK-based National Institute of Economic and Social Research indicates that EU GDP was 0.4 per cent higher in 2022 than it would have been in the absence of RRF spending.

It also shows that the initial disbursements were responsible for lowering unemployment in the EU by around 0.2 percentage points.

The joint investment impulse from the RRF is also supporting upward economic convergence in the EU because of the RRF’s allocation key. RRF disbursements had stronger effects in the southern and eastern Member States – as a rule – than in the northern and western ones with relatively higher levels of GDP. The EU growth map clearly illustrates this.

We sometimes hear critics pointing out that while the EU’s post-COVID rebound was impressive, it petered out without a more lasting impact on growth. And indeed we did see an impressive rebound in 2021 and 2022, but then the European economy slowed down. 11 Member States saw negative growth last year and we only expect an acceleration of economic activity in the second half of this year.

But what is the main reason for this? Russia’s war of aggression. It’s as simple as that. NextGenerationEU could not cancel out the economic impact of the war and the ensuing energy crisis, but it did substantially attenuate it. We also adapted the national plans and agreed on REPowerEU chapters to accelerate the energy transition. All in all, NextGenerationEU has helped us navigate these very rough waters.

Looking ahead, simulations with the Commission’s QUEST model estimate that NextGenerationEU has the potential to increase EU real GDP by up to 1.4% in 2026, compared to a no-NextGenerationEU scenario. This does not include the beneficial effects of the many reforms that are being enacted through the RRF, which will be felt gradually over the coming years, of course also strengthening productivity.

Of course there are also lessons to be learned from the first three years and improvements to be made.

We know that some – though not all – national authorities and institutions would like to see greater flexibility both in the assessment process for milestones and targets and the procedure for revising plans. And we stand ready to look at ways to address these challenges, without reopening the legal framework.

We also know that many stakeholders – regions, social partners – are very keen to deepen their involvement in the implementation of the plans. And let me urge Member States to also bear this in mind as they draw up their fiscal-structural plans in the second half of this year, under the reformed economic governance framework.

To sum up, NextGenerationEU is a success story. It has a little under three years to run and in many ways the second half of its life will be more challenging than the first, as investments reach a critical stage in their implementation.

Before I take your questions, let me add a word of sincere thanks to the staff of DG ECFIN and the Recovery Task Force for their incredible efforts over the past three years to steer the preparation and implementation of the RRF.

These efforts will continue to support Member States in this challenge.

Source – EU Commission

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