Thu. Dec 26th, 2024

Luxembourg, 16 June 2022

Platform work

The presidency presented a progress report on the state of play as regards the proposed directive on improving working conditions in platform work.

The goal of the proposed law is that people working through digital labour platforms are granted the legal employment status that corresponds to their actual work arrangements – and thus enjoy the labour rights and social benefits they are entitled to.

Today, over 28 million people in the EU work through digital labour platforms. The vast majority of these people are genuinely self-employed but 5.5 million are – according to European Commission estimates – incorrectly classified as self-employed.


European Semester

Infographic – Who does what in the European Semester: See full infographic

Ministers held a policy debate on the European Semester and in particular on its governance and the country-specific recommendations (CSRs) for 2022. The outcome of this discussion, and similar debates of the ministers of economy and finance as well as European affairs, will feed into the discussion of the 23-24 June European Council meeting. The European Semester is a cycle of economic, fiscal, labour and social policy coordination within the EU.

The Council also approved the employment and social policy aspects of these CSRs and endorsed the opinion of the Employment Committee (EMCO) and Social Protection Committee (SPC) of these CSRs for 2022 and their assessments of the implementation of the recommendations of 2019 and 2020.


Porto Social Summit: one year later

Infographic – Advancing a stronger Social Europe: See full infographic

Ministers had an exchange of views on member states’ national objectives to complement the headline targets of the European Social Rights Action Plan (78% of population in employment in 2030, 60% of adult population participating in training every year and 15 million people less at risk of poverty or social exclusion).


Individual learning accounts

The Council adopted a recommendation on individual learning accounts. Its aim is to help working-age adults to upgrade and adapt their skills in the context of the green and digital transitions and the European Pillar of Social Rights action plan target of achieving at least 60% of all adults participating in training every year by 2030.

The Council is recommending that Member States consider establishing individual learning accounts as a means for enabling individuals to participate in labour-market relevant training and – if they decide to establish individual learning accounts – to put in place an enabling framework.


Fair transition towards climate neutrality

In order to soften the social and employment challenges of the European Green Deal, a set of policy initiatives to make the EU climate neutral in 2050, the Council adopted a recommendation which aims to ensure that the Union’s transition towards a climate-neutral and environmentally sustainable economy by 2050 is fair and leaves nobody behind.

The recommendation contains guidance to provide support to quality employment and a safe working environment. It also puts a focus on education and training measures and for instance invites member states to integrate the employment and social aspects of the green transition in the development and implementation of relevant national strategies.


Social imbalances procedure

The EMCO and SPC chairs informed delegations about their opinion on a proposal from Belgian and Spain – made at the EPSCO Council in October 2021 – to strengthen the social dimension of the European Semester through the introduction of a Social Imbalances Procedure.


Employment of people with disabilities

Infographic – Disability in the EU: facts and figures: See full infographic

Ministers debated how to increase the employment rate of persons with disabilities. It is estimated that one fifth of the EU population (currently around 87 million people) have some form of disability. People with disabilities still face multiple barriers when it comes to accessing their rights. For example, in 2021 only 50.8% of people with disabilities were in employment compared to 75% of people without disabilities. 37.6% of people with disabilities were inactive compared to 17.6% of people without disabilities.

In this context, ministers discussed how to remove obstacles to the hiring of people with disabilities and to act through effective measures to promote their professional integration.


Other business

The presidency informed delegations about the state of play of the draft directive on adequate minimum wages and the political deal, reached on 6 June, between member states and European Parliament on a common position.

It also briefed ministers about the draft directive on equal pay for equal work between women and men on which the Council adopted its general approach on 6 December.

As regards the proposal of a directive on gender balance on company boards the presidency informed about the political deal between member states and European Parliament which it reached on 7 June.

The presidency also informed about the directive on equal treatment and the revision of the regulations on the coordination of social security systems.

The presidency informed ministers about the report of the European Institute for Gender Equality regarding combatting psychological violence and coercive control as well as its presidency conferences.

Delegations also received information from the Commission about the EU’s initiatives in the employment and social affairs areas in reaction to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the implementation of its LGBTIQ strategy.

The Czech delegation informed delegations about the work programme for its presidency of the Council of the EU (which will start on 1 July).

Meeting information
  • Meeting n°3882
  • Luxembourg
  • 16 June 2022, 09:30
Preparatory documents
Outcome documents
Press releases


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