Wed. Sep 18th, 2024


Today, the European Parliament will adopt an ambitious report on the new EU-Africa strategy, under the leadership of Chrysoula Zacharopoulou (Renaissance, Renew Europe), rapporteur for the European Parliament and vice-chair of the Committee on Development (DEVE).

The pandemic reveals the interconnection between our two continents and highlights our common vulnerabilities. Thus, solidarity and inclusion are the key words to overcome this crisis and Renew Europe strongly believes that the new partnership between the EU and Africa must be based on human development. “The future partnership must focus on human development, starting with health cooperation. Health is our most valuable common good. As Africa’s reference partner in this area, Europe must enhance its contribution to strengthening health systems, building universal health coverage, stimulating research, innovation and exchanges of knowledge and experience, as well as the digitalisation of health services, but also by promoting the “one health” approach in our policies”, declares Chrysoula Zacharopoulou.

“We want a reset of our relationship with Africa. The time has come to rebuild our relationship with our African neighbours on the basis of a partnership of equals. Europe needs Africa and Africa needs Europe”, says Dacian Cioloş, President of Renew Europe group. “Our destinies are closely linked and there are many areas of work: education and training, adaptation to climate change, development of sustainable agriculture, a humane and sustainable migration policy. We must continue and strengthen the construction of a positive common future by involving all Africans, institutions, businesses and civil society”, he concludes.

This report comes in a context where the pandemic offers the possibility to review our relationship with the world, to choose our strategic partners, and redefine our interdependence. “The message of this report is clear: make the African continent our ally to face the challenges ahead. It brings concrete recommendations for turning this ambition into reality with a new approach based on exchanges between people”, adds Chrysoula Zacharopoulou.

For Renew Europe, sufficient funding, closer cooperation in various areas and more people-to-people contacts are necessary in order to translate this new strategy into action. It is essential for an active partnership between the two continents.

Source: Renew Europe: It is time to renew our vision for the EU-Africa partnership

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