Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Meeting with the Heads of Governments of the CIS and EAEU Member States

The President met with the heads of foreign delegations participating in the sessions of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Sochi.

June 9, 2023 16:15 Sochi

Meeting with the Heads of Governments of the CIS and EAEU Member States

V. Putin:

Dear colleagues! Friends! I am pleased to welcome all of you in Sochi. I hope you enjoy being here. For those who haven’t been here yet, it will be even more enjoyable for us to present the new Sochi to you after the Olympics. I hope you will find it interesting to get acquainted with it. As Mikhail Vladimirovich [Mishustin] mentioned earlier, you have done very productive work on the extensive agenda. The sessions of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States have been successful.

In addition to that, a plenary session of the Eurasian Congress took place, where representatives of government, business, and public and expert circles jointly discussed issues of economic development and improving the well-being of our citizens as a result of our collaborative efforts, which we all strive for and work towards.

You also visited the exhibition “Eurasia – Our Home,” which was organized here in Sochi. I hope you found it interesting. Mikhail Vladimirovich [Mishustin] informed me about it even before planning this event. I hope it made an impression. We made an effort to showcase the most interesting and promising areas of our cooperation.

So, you participated in various events that are united by the main common goal – deepening integration and exploring new spheres of interaction. These topics were the focus of attention at the recent meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Moscow.

By the way, the President of Belarus, Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko, is here in Sochi on a working visit yesterday and today. He knows that I have come to meet with you, and on his behalf, I extend my best wishes for success in your work.

I would like to emphasize that the governments of our countries face truly significant and complex tasks in promoting the processes of integration in the economic, social, and humanitarian spheres.

First and foremost, we are talking about further expanding trade ties and increasing the involvement of our economies and business entities in Eurasian production and transport-logistics chains, as well as implementing relevant investment and infrastructure projects.

It is necessary to energetically enhance industrial cooperation, create new joint ventures, including under the common trade brand “Made in EAEU” or “Made in the CIS.” No one has any objections if it is done under the common brand “Made in the CIS.” The important thing is to ensure effective interaction in all our countries. As I have already mentioned, it is crucial for such a brand or brands to become recognizable and popular among consumers in all our countries.

Particular attention should be given to strengthening technological sovereignty in the economy’s key sectors, achieving genuine technological self-sufficiency, so that our countries do not depend on foreign technologies and companies in critically important industries.

I have said it many times before, and I would like to reiterate it in this setting: we certainly do not intend to isolate ourselves from the global economy, especially from the prospective centers of global economic development. This does not mean that we must produce everything domestically at any cost; such an approach is not part of our plans. We will strive to remain a significant part of the global economy as a whole, but in critically important areas, it would be better, cautiously speaking, for us to be independent because self-sufficiency is the foundation of sovereignty.

In the same vein, ensuring digital independence is imperative. Therefore, we need to continue energetically working towards the formation of a unified digital ecosystem that integrates national electronic government services and systems.

I must say, I would like to boast and express my gratitude to the Government of the Russian Federation. In recent years, Russia has accomplished a great deal in this field. And I believe we have the right to say that we are unquestionably global leaders in this area of work. And in this regard, we are certainly ready to share our developments and experiences with each of the partner states of the CIS and EAEU.

It would be advisable to intensify the activities of our executive bodies and central banks aimed at strengthening financial sovereignty. This will help ensure the stability of credit and banking infrastructure, diversify and harmonize the Eurasian financial market, and create favorable conditions for capital preservation and investment in the economies of our countries.

Naturally, any creative ideas aimed at giving integration additional momentum and enriching it with new content are in demand. The implementation of the Russian proposal to add the fifth freedom, the freedom of knowledge, to the well-known four freedoms within the framework of the EAEU would contribute to this. I would like to remind you that the four freedoms entail the free movement of goods, services, finances, and human capital. The freedom of knowledge implies the implementation of common principles and standards in education, coordination of scientific programs, standardization of professional requirements, and the creation of unified textbooks for technical and other disciplines.

I would like to emphasize once again that this does not mean that we should return to the Soviet education system or cling to postulates from 30 or 50 years ago. Not at all, quite the opposite. We should build upon the fundamental principles of our education system but look forward, move forward, take the best that the world has to offer, and create our own path.

I am confident that all the mentioned directions can and should be further developed in a broader context, involving all the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Russia will assume the chairmanship of the CIS next year, and we are committed to close cooperation with our partners in the Commonwealth to implement our ambitious plans. Of course, we will consider the valuable proposals and initiatives discussed during your work in Sochi.

In conclusion, I would like to once again thank the participants of today’s meeting and express my confidence that by working together, helping each other, and achieving synergy, we can achieve significant results in the development of multifaceted interaction between our countries and, therefore, our peoples.

Thank you for your attention. I hope I haven’t tired you with my opening remarks.

Now, I am pleased to give the floor to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin.

Please, Mikhail Vladimirovich.

M. Mishustin: Thank you.

Esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich! Esteemed colleagues!

Indeed, a number of significant international events are taking place in Sochi, involving representatives of our closest neighbors and allies.

This year, Russia is chairing the bodies of the Eurasian Economic Union, and all the colleagues from the “Five” have joined in implementing the priorities that you, esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich, outlined in your address to the union’s heads of state.

Our cooperation is developing dynamically. We have had detailed and constructive discussions on the most important issues concerning the functioning of the union. We have also discussed opportunities for cooperation and deepening that cooperation both internally and externally.

We have exchanged opinions on the implementation of the plan for priority measures in digitizing railway transportation and the Agreement on the use of navigation seals.

We have made progress on the establishment of an independent rating agency in the Eurasian space. Vladimir Vladimirovich, this task was included among the priorities for this year, and you have supported it.

I would like to highlight that we have signed an Agreement on the mutual recognition of academic degrees within the Eurasian Economic Union. This eliminates limitations on the mobility of highly qualified personnel. Such specialists will be able to find employment in any of our countries and engage in professional activities there.

V. Putin: By the way, I have noticed that many of the colleagues present here hold academic degrees. I believe this is significant for all those in attendance.

M. Mishustin: Absolutely, it is. And I believe that there will be much fewer bureaucratic procedures.

The main focus of our efforts now is to achieve technological sovereignty. Colleagues share this approach. We pay great attention to resolving issues related to import substitution, launching joint production in strategic sectors.

We also visited the “Eurasia – Our Home” exhibition with our colleagues. Vladimir Vladimirovich, we have discussed this with you, and you supported the idea of the exhibition. It presented over two hundred cooperative projects – that was our approach to the exhibition. They cover almost all areas, including industry, finance, digitalization, healthcare, education, sports, and many others. It is crucial that the exhibition was organized based on industry sectors rather than individual countries, as we used to do before. We are talking about joint initiatives implemented through close cooperation between our countries.

Each of these projects practically proves that by combining our competencies, resources, knowledge, and, of course, by leveraging each other’s strengths, exchanging best practices, we can produce excellent, in-demand, and competitive products. We have everything we need for this: talented and creative personnel, production capacities, and, most importantly, the desire to move forward together, as well as the understanding that further development is only possible by relying on our own strengths and working with reliable partners among friendly states.

Currently, we are preparing the regulatory framework for the launch of a crucial project – subsidizing union programs. We expect that the first programs will receive support as early as the beginning of next year. This means that we will be able to further promote high-quality products of our own production, advanced solutions, and technologies.

Within the EAEU, we are also intensifying efforts in the digital sphere, taking measures to increase the share of mutual settlements in national currencies and expanding the opportunities for using national payment systems.

Speaking of the international agenda, the union remains an attractive partner for many foreign countries. Numerous partners are interested in deepening dialogue with the union in various formats. We have conducted serious work in preparing a Free Trade Agreement with Iran, and we expect to sign it by the end of the year. We are accelerating negotiations with Egypt, Indonesia, and the United Arab Emirates.

I want to assure you that my colleagues and I are doing everything in our power for the timely and effective implementation of the decisions of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, which took place on May 25 in Moscow under your esteemed chairmanship, Vladimir Vladimirovich.

Several other events were held alongside the meetings of the intergovernmental council, and I will briefly mention them. This includes the Third Eurasian Congress, which brought together experts, representatives of our business and scientific communities, and government officials in discussion forums. There were active discussions, and many valuable ideas were generated on how to give an impetus to the integration processes. We have collected numerous proposals for addressing the challenges before us.

Another important event is the second Youth Forum of the Commonwealth of Independent States, conducted in conjunction with the Eurasian Economic Union. This forum allows us, esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich, to receive feedback from young people. As you always say, we should understand what people expect from us before embarking on any projects. We want to understand the views of the youth on how our countries should develop. It is gratifying to see that we have a large number of enthusiastic, initiative-driven, and talented young people. We have held several meetings with them, and they are ready to work for the benefit of our countries.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

Significant events within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States have also taken place in Sochi, where important agreements were reached.

Firstly, I would like to congratulate my colleagues on the signing of the Agreement on Free Trade in Services and Investments. This is a crucial step. The document has been in development for over ten years, and its implementation will create additional opportunities for businesses and our people.

I would kindly ask Prime Minister Kyrgyz Republic, Head of the Presidential Administration, my colleague Akylbek Usenbekovich Japarov, to report on the results of the negotiations within the Commonwealth, as it is the Kyrgyz friends who currently hold the chairmanship in the CIS.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of myself and my colleagues, to thank you for your attention to the recent events and for organizing all the ongoing activities in Sochi, which have not yet concluded.

Thank you.

Vladimir Putin: Please, Mr. Japarov.

Akylbek Japarov: Thank you very much.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

First and foremost, allow me to express my sincere gratitude to you and Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin for the warm welcome and the high level of hospitality in the city of Sochi.

I would also like to convey warm greetings and best wishes from our President, the esteemed Sadyr Nurgozhoyevich Japarov.

It is gratifying to note the successful official visit of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, Sadyr Nurgozhoyevich Japarov, to the Russian Federation, which took place on the eve of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, with his participation as an honored guest in the Victory Parade. In Kyrgyzstan, we carefully preserve the memory of the heroic deeds of our fathers and grandfathers who gave their lives for our common great Victory.

Before I begin my speech, I would like to digress briefly into history. In 1945, it was in these regions that the historic meeting of the three leaders took place. We have all seen this meeting in many images. We were born in the Soviet Union. What I mean by this is that in the 20th and 21st centuries, Sochi was and remains a center for decision-making, or at least I hope so.

Over the course of three eventful days, we successfully held the first meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS – the Commonwealth of Independent States – during the Year of Chairmanship of the Kyrgyz Republic.

An important event was the signing, during the CIS meeting, of the Agreement on Free Trade in Services, Establishment, Operation, and Investment, the development of which has been underway for the past ten years.

During our chairmanship in the CIS, we are committed to further strengthening joint measures to create the most favorable conditions for mutual trade and the elimination of unnecessary barriers in trade. We aim to contribute to the further development of CIS activities and the deepening of integration processes within the Commonwealth.

Traditionally, a constructive and trusting meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council was held.

In addition to that, I am pleased to note the successful holding of the second Youth Forum of the EAEU and the CIS countries in Sochi during these same days. The forum, which started last year in Kyrgyzstan, the international exhibition “Eurasia – Our Home,” in which our republic actively participated, and today – the third Eurasian Congress.

The results of these events and the exceptionally friendly atmosphere in which they took place undoubtedly reflect our common desire for deeper integration and cooperation.

I would like to emphasize that no pessimistic forecasts from international financial institutions can hinder our firm determination to consistently strengthen trade and economic cooperation.

As a scientist and an economist practitioner, I can say that if those international financial analysts rely on economic forecasts, we rely on economic data. And they show us the exact opposite, that is, the dynamics of economic growth in our countries.

At the same time, today we face not only challenges and tasks, but also opportunities and prospects. It is important to seize this moment to intensify our work on strengthening our integration ties and trade and economic cooperation. Joint efforts in the development of trade, investments, and economic integration open up new horizons for our entrepreneurs and contribute to sustainable economic growth.

In the current circumstances, it is important to expand the use of alternative currencies – rubles, soms, yuan, as well as gold – in our mutual settlements. In the Soviet Union, our currency – the ruble – was backed by gold and precious metals, and this rule was known to everyone. Then, as we know, the effective system was replaced by the current financial system, which created conditions for the dominance of a single currency in international settlements.

Once again, I want to emphasize that we need to work in this direction and, in addition to that, intensify joint efforts in the development of transportation infrastructure and logistics between our countries.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that we can find solutions and ways out of difficult situations only by working together, based on mutually beneficial and acceptable decisions. Therefore, Sochi should once again fulfill its historical mission, where decisions are made for the benefit of peace and humanity.

It is gratifying to note that during our chairmanship in the CIS bodies, the meetings of the Council of Heads of State and the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth will be held in Bishkek in the autumn of this year.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, we would be very happy to welcome you to the hospitable land of Kyrgyzstan. We will make every effort on our part to ensure the successful conduct of the upcoming events.

Thank you for your attention.

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