Brussels, 20 June 2022

Today, MEPs exchanged views with experts on the institutional mechanisms for the protection of the EU’s fundamental values, in light of the latest developments.

The meeting is jointly organised the Committees on Constitutional Affairs and Civil Liberties.

When: Monday 20 June 2022, 15.10 – 17.45 CEST
Where: European Parliament in Brussels, József Antall building, room 2Q2

The meeting started with a presentation of The Commission’s Rule of Law Report and the EU Monitoring and Enforcement of Article 2 TEU Values”, by Prof. Petra BÁRD (co-author with Prof. Laurent PECH), Associate professor, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law; Researcher, CEU Department of Legal Studies and CEU Democracy Institute; and Fernand Braudel Fellow, European University Institute.

Following a brief exchange of views, the two committees will host a public hearing on the “Rule of law mechanisms in the European Union”, with:

  • Kaarlo TUORI, Honorary President of the Venice Commission
  • Nicolaas BEL, Deputy Head of DG JUST
  • Prof. Dr. Robert GRZESZCZAK, Professor of European Law, Head of Centre for Research on European Institutional Design, University of Warsaw; Head of the Committee of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Member of the Programming Board of the Strategic Litigation Program of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
  • Márta PARDAVI, Co-chair of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee; experienced civil society leader and human rights advocate
  • Prof. Dr. Teresa FREIXES, Professor of Constitutional Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1986 to 2019); Jean Monnet Chair ad personam; President of the pan-European organisation Citizens pro Europe and of the Free Culture Foundation; Vice president of the Royal European Academy of Doctors
  • Prof. Dr. John MORIJN, Commissioner at the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights; Professor of law and politics in international relations.

You can watch the meeting live.