Fri. Sep 13th, 2024

Brussels, 20 March 2024

Dear Sauli Niinistö,

It is a pleasure to welcome you again in Brussels. Today, we will be speaking about security and defence, a topic that will also be at the heart of our discussions in the upcoming European Council. Together with the HR/VP, I asked you, dear Sauli, to write a report on how to enhance Europe’s civilian and defence preparedness and readiness. In many ways, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has shuttered many illusions: the illusion that peace is permanent. The illusion that Europe on its own was doing enough on security – be it economic or military, conventional or cyber. As we look around us, it is clear there is no room for any more illusions. The world is as dangerous as it has been for generations.

A few months ago, you said, Sauli: ‘Europe has to wake up.’ And I wholeheartedly agree with you. We know that Putin’s ambition does not end in Ukraine, to the contrary: Putin speaks about his ‘historical mission’. And this is all too familiar to the Finnish people, dear Sauli. They have learnt to live in close proximity to such an unpredictable and aggressive neighbour. And this has deeply shaped your society. Of course, Finland has always maintained strong defence. But in Finland, defence preparedness is not just the military’s concern, it is everyone’s concern. It is in fact a matter for the whole society. Your country has a comprehensive civil defence strategy so that Finnish people can be prepared for all emergencies, including military, hybrid threats and natural disasters. Every part of the Finnish society is able to help safeguard vital functions in times of crisis, ensure basic supply for the population and support defence forces in their duties. This is what true preparedness looks like. And this is what makes Finland so resilient as a nation.

So we have a lot to learn from Finland. It is a specific mind-set, and I believe we should adopt it more widely in Europe. This is why I am very glad, dear Sauli, that you agreed to write the report on how to enhance Europe’s civilian and defence preparedness and readiness. It will be developed in close cooperation with the HR/VP and the Member States.

Source – EU Commission

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