Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Brussels, 5 August 2024

The Commission has today disbursed to Portugal the remaining €714 million under the payment request for the third and fourth instalments under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).

As for all Member States, payments made to Portugal under the RRF are performance-based and depend on the implementation of the investments and reforms described in its recovery and resilience plan.

The Commission, in December 2023, concluded that one milestone and one target concerning reforms of the health sector and one milestone related to the reform of regulated professions out of the 47 milestones and targets included in the third and fourth instalments were not satisfactorily fulfilled.

On that basis, the Commission suspended €810 million (gross amount). Portugal took additional policy action in the six months following the suspension. In June 2024, the Commission concluded that the outstanding milestones and target were satisfactorily fulfilled. This finding was confirmed by the Economic and Financial Committee. Accordingly, the Commission has now unlocked the previously suspended gross amount of €810 million (which is equal to €714 million net of pre-financing).

Portugal’s recovery and resilience plan will be financed by €22.2 billion, of which €16.3 billion in grants and €5.9 billion in loans. You can find more information on Portugal’s recovery and resilience plan on this page, which features an interactive map of projects financed by the RRF, as well as on the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard. More information on the process of payment requests under the RRF can be found in this document of questions and answers.

Source – EU Commission


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