Mon. Sep 16th, 2024
Source: EU Commission

The voting took place on 15th October 2023 between 7:00 and 21:00. In tab Results/Sejm results from 31497 out of 31497 polling districts (100,00%) are available. In tab Results/Senate results from 31497 out of 31497 polling districts (100,00%) are available.

Turnout in elections for Sejm was equal to 74,38%. Turnout in elections for Senate was equal to 74,31%. Candidate data is available in committee and constituency views

In tab Polling district searchlist of all polling districts is available

Results of voting in 2023 elections for Sejm

Poland, ships and abroad

Settlement of ballot papers
1. Number of voters entitled to vote (included in the roll of voters with additional forms) 29 532 595
2. Commissions received ballot papers 27 875 431
3. Unused ballot papers 5 888 632
4. Number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered 21 971 603
5. Number of voters to whom election packages were sent 12 952
6. Settlement of ballot papers 21 984 555
Voting by proxy, on the basis of a certificate and voting by correspondence
7. Number of voters voting on the basis of certificate confirming the right to vote 428 109
8. Number of voters voting by proxy (number of ballot papers issued on the basis of received acts power of attorney) 39 983
9. Number of return envelopes received 12 136
9a. Number of return envelopes without the statement on personal and secret vote 1 087
9b. Number of return envelopes in which the statement was not signed by the voter 104
9c. Number of return envelopes without the envelope for the ballot paper 58
9d. Number of return envelopes in which envelope for ballot paper was not sealed 112
9e. Number of envelopes for ballot papers put into ballot box 10 809
Determination of voting results
10. Number of ballot papers taken out of the ballot box 21 977 411
10a. including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes 11 849
11. Number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officially provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission’s seal) 10 520
12. Number of valid ballot papers 21 966 891
13. Number of invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 370 217
13a. including those with mark „X” put next to two or more candidates 208 144
13b. including those without any mark „X” 144 870
13c. including those with mark „X” put only next to a candidate from nullified list 17 203
14. Number of votes validly cast for all lists of candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 21 596 674


Results of voting in 2023 elections for Senate

Poland, ships and abroad

Results of the vote by the committee
Settlement of ballot papers
1. Number of voters entitled to vote (included in the roll of voters with additional forms) 29 532 595
2. Commissions received ballot papers 27 830 542
3. Unused ballot papers 5 873 857
4. Number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered 21 955 352
5. Number of voters to whom election packages were sent 12 971
6. Settlement of ballot papers 21 968 323
Voting by proxy, on the basis of a certificate and voting by correspondence
7. Number of voters voting on the basis of certificate confirming the right to vote 427 984
8. Number of voters voting by proxy (number of ballot papers issued on the basis of received acts power of attorney) 39 767
9. Number of return envelopes received 12 137
9a. Number of return envelopes without the statement on personal and secret vote 1 091
9b. Number of return envelopes in which the statement was not signed by the voter 112
9c. Number of return envelopes without the envelope for the ballot paper 57
9d. Number of return envelopes in which envelope for ballot paper was not sealed 112
9e. Number of envelopes for ballot papers put into ballot box 10 812
Determination of voting results
10. Number of ballot papers taken out of the ballot box 21 955 030
10a. including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes 11 388
11. Number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officially provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission’s seal) 10 146
12. Number of valid ballot papers 21 944 884
13. Number of invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 541 886
13a. including those with mark „X” put next to two or more candidates 149 142
13b. including those without any mark „X” 388 032
13c. including those with mark „X” put only next to a candidate from nullified list 0
14. Number of votes validly cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 21 402 998

Source: National Electoral Commission of Poland:

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