Wed. Sep 18th, 2024
Citizenship of the Union: Judgment of the Court of Justice in Joined Cases C-451/19, C-532/19

5 May 2022

Subdelegación del Gobierno en Toledo (Séjour d’un membre de la famille – Ressources insuffisantes)

Citizenship of the Union

A relationship of dependency capable of justifying the grant of a derived right of residence to the parent, who is a non-EU national, of a minor, who is a Union citizen, is presumed where that parent lives on a stable basis with the other parent, who is a Union citizen, of that minor


Victorinox: Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-179/21

5 May 2022


Approximation of laws

A trader who offers, on websites such as Amazon, goods which he has not himself produced must inform the consumer of the manufacturer’s guarantee if that guarantee has been made a central or essential element of the offer


Member State liability for air pollution: Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-61/21

5 May 2022

Ministre de la Transition écologique and Premier ministre (Responsabilité de l’État pour la pollution de l’air)

Environment and consumers

Advocate General Kokott: Member States may be liable for health damage caused by excessive air pollution


Recognition and enforcement of judgments: Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-700/20

5 May 2022

London Steam-Ship Owners’ Mutual Insurance Association

Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

Advocate General Collins: An arbitral award judgment may be a relevant judgment for the purposes of the Regulation on recognition and enforcement of judgments


Banco Espírito Santo: Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-83/20

5 May 2022

BPC Lux 2 and Others


The Portuguese legislation which provides the basis for the resolution action in respect of Banco Espírito Santo is compatible with the right to property


Wizz Air Hungary: Judgment of the General Court in case T-718/20

Wizz Air Hungary v Commission (TAROM; aide au sauvetage)

State aid

The General Court upholds the Commission’s decision approving rescue aid of €36 660 000 granted by Romania to the airline TAROM


Meta Platforms Ireland: Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-319/20

28 April 2022

Meta Platforms Ireland

Principles of Community law

Consumer protection associations may bring representative actions against infringements of personal data protection


Wine: Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-86/20

28 April 2022

Vinařství U Kapličky

A certificate from the authorities of a third State on the conformity of a consignment of wine with the oenological practices of the European Union does not by itself constitute evidence of compliance with those practices for the purposes of the marketing of that wine within the European Union


Corporate insolvency and employees’ rights::  Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-237/20

28 April 2022

Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging


Corporate insolvency and employees’ rights: in the event of a transfer of assets in the context of a pre-pack procedure, the transferee is entitled to derogate from the obligation to safeguard employees’ rights if that procedure is governed by statutory or regulatory provisions


IG Metall and ver.di: Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-677/20

28 April 2022

IG Metall and ver.di

Freedom of establishment

Advocate General Richard de la Tour: the transformation of a German public limited company into a European company does not make it possible to dispense with the specific ballot for the election of trade union representatives to the Supervisory Board

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