Thu. Jan 9th, 2025

In line with Article 16 of the Staff Regulations 1, after leaving the service, officials continue to be bound by the duty to behave with integrity and discretion as regards the acceptance of certain appointments or benefits. Former officials who intend to engage in an occupational activity within 2 years of leaving the service shall inform their former institution of this, in order to enable it to take an appropriate decision in this respect and, when necessary, to forbid an activity or give approval subject to appropriate restrictions.

The third paragraph of Article 16 of the Staff Regulations stipulates that for former senior officials the Appointing Authority shall, in principle, prohibit them, during the 12 months after leaving the service, from engaging in lobbying or advocacy vis-à-vis staff of their former institution for their business, clients or employers on matters for which they were
responsible during their last 3 years in the service.

The fourth paragraph of Article 16 of the Staff Regulations requires each institution, in compliance with the relevant data protection rules 2, to publish information annually on the implementation of the third paragraph, including a list of the cases assessed.

The Commission details below the criteria it has used to ensure the implementation of its obligation, and sets out its analysis. The Commission has provided summary information in relation to the decisions taken under this provision in an annex to this document. This document is being published in order to meet the Commission’s obligation under the
fourth paragraph of Article 16 of the Staff Regulations in combination with the relevant data protection rules 3.


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