Fri. Jan 10th, 2025

Brussels, 15 December 2021

Today, the European Commission has launched the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard, a public online platform to show progress made in the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) as a whole, and of the individual national recovery and resilience plans.

The Scoreboard is first and foremost a tool to transparently display information to EU citizens on the RRF’s implementation. It will also serve as a basis to prepare the Commission’s annual reports on the implementation of the RRF and the review report to the European Parliament and the Council, as well as the Recovery and Resilience Dialogue between the Parliament and the Commission.

The Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard website contains dedicated sections on the fulfilment of milestones and targets and on RRF disbursements. It also has specific data compiled by the Commission, such as the expenditure per policy area and a breakdown of green, digital and social expenditure under the Facility. The scoreboard also provides qualitative information through thematic analyses of the implementation of the plans in specific policy areas.

The Scoreboard contains two types of information:

  • Data collected by the Commission while monitoring the implementation of the recovery and resilience plans. This includes information on the fulfilment of milestones and targets as reported by Member States and assessed by the Commission. Information on disbursements is also included, as well as data developed by the Commission such as the expenditure in each of the six RRF policy areas and social expenditure under the facility as defined in the RRF Delegated Act of 2 December 2021
  • Data collected by Member States on 14 common reporting indicators as defined in the RRF Delegated Act of 2 December 2021. This data allows the monitoring of progress of the implementation of RRPs towards RRF common goals, also showing the overall performance of the RRF. Most reporting indicators measure the contribution of the RRF to more than one policy pillar. For example, the indicator “Classroom capacity of new or modernised childcare and education facilities” contributes both to pillar 4 (social and territorial cohesion) and pillar 6 (policies for the next generation, such as education and skills) of the RRF. Member States will report on the common indicators twice a year, by 28 February and 31 August. The Commission will then update the data in Scoreboard website by April and October. The first reporting on the common indicators will take place in February 2022.

This first version of the Scoreboard, as published today, contains data on the plans submitted so far by Member States, approved by the Commission and endorsed by the Council (22 plans to date). Figures will be updated as more plans are endorsed. Milestones and targets will be shown as fulfilled once a Member State has provided the evidence to the Commission that it has completed the milestone or target and the Commission has assessed it positively in an implementing decision (a stage not yet reached for any Member State).

Members of the College said

Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President for An Economy that Works for People said: This valuable tool will show exactly how EU countries are advancing with putting their planned investments and reforms into effect for the recovery. The online scoreboard is accessible to everyone, because our aim is for everyone in Europe to benefit from these reforms and investments as we move out of the immediate crisis and into longer-term growth.”

Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy, said: “We are approaching the end of the year in which the Recovery and Resilience Facility became a reality and started helping our economies to emerge stronger from the pandemic. Today we deliver on a key commitment to the European Parliament: this new online platform will be a powerful tool for transparency and accountability. It will enable our citizens to keep track of how the RRF is supporting transformative investments and reforms for sustainable growth – both in their own country and across Europe.”

Next steps

The first reporting of Member States on the common indicators will take place in spring 2022. The Commission will subsequently update the Scoreboard website by April 2022.


RRF Delegated Acts

On 28 September 2021, the Commission adopted two delegated acts in the context of the RRF, building on the input from Member States, the European Parliament, and stakeholders:

  • A first delegated act sets out how Member States shall report on the overall performance of the RRF and the state of progress towards the achievement of its objectives. This includes the definition of common reporting indicators.
  • A second delegated act lays down the methodology for reporting on social expenditure in Member States’ recovery and resilience plans.

These delegated acts entered into force on 2 December, which allowed the Commission to finalise and launch the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard and the data it contains, including the common indicators and reporting on social expenditure.

For More Information

Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard

Recovery and Resilience Facility

Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation

Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2106 setting out the common indicators and the recovery and resilience scoreboard

Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2105 defining a methodology for reporting social expenditurerting social expenditure


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