Fri. Sep 13th, 2024
NATO Summit in Madrid. Source: NATO

Indo-Pacific partners participate in a NATO Summit for the first time

Last updated: 29 Jun. 2022 19:09

At the Madrid Summit on Wednesday (29 June 2022), Allied leaders were joined by some of NATO’s closest partners to address global challenges. Indo-Pacific partners Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and the Republic of Korea participated in a NATO Summit for the first time. The European Union and Georgia also took part in the meeting, as did Finland and Sweden, who have today been invited to become NATO members.

The Secretary General said that NATO must stand with its partners around the world to preserve the rules-based international order in era of strategic competition: “We see a deepening strategic partnership between Moscow and Beijing. And China’s growing assertiveness and its coercive policies have consequences for the security of Allies and our partners.”

Read the Secretary General’s full remarks:

Press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg following the meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of Heads of State and Government with Partners (2022 NATO Summit)

Last updated: 29 Jun. 2022 19:07

(As delivered)

Good afternoon. We have just concluded a meeting with some of NATO’s closest partners. The European Union. Georgia.
Finland and Sweden. And for the first time at a NATO Summit, our Indo-Pacific partners: Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and the Republic of Korea.

We now face an era of strategic competition.

We see a deepening strategic partnership between Moscow and Beijing. And China’s growing assertiveness and its coercive policies have consequences for the security of Allies and our partners.

China is substantially building up its military forces, including nuclear weapons. Bullying its neighbours, and threatening Taiwan. Investing heavily in critical infrastructure, including in Allied countries. Monitoring and controlling its own citizens through advanced technology. And spreading Russian lies and disinformation.

China is not our adversary. But we must be clear-eyed about the serious challenges it represents. And we must continue to stand with our partners to preserve the rules-based international order. A global system based on norms and values. Instead of brute violence.

So NATO will step up cooperation with our Indo-Pacific partners. Including on cyber defence, new technologies, maritime security, climate change, and countering disinformation. Because these global challenges demand global solutions.

We will also do more with our partners. Yesterday, Allies approved an enhanced package of support for Ukraine. Helping to equip and strengthen the country for the long term. And we agreed to step up political and practical support for other partners at risk from Russian aggression. Including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova. We will help them to build their capabilities, and strengthen their resilience.

NATO’s partnership with the European Union has already reached unprecedented levels. And we will continue to deepen our cooperation.

Tonight, Allied Foreign Ministers will meet with Jordan and Mauritania. Reaffirming our determination to continue responding to challenges from south, including the Sahel. For the first time, Allies have today agreed a defence capacity-building package for Mauritania. We will help them deal with security concerns including border security, irregular migration, and terrorism. Based on Mauritania’s requests, we will focus our support in a number of key areas. Including special operations, maritime security, and intelligence.

The challenges of today are too great for any nation or organisation to face alone. But by standing together with our partners, we are stronger and safer. We can better protect our people, our values, and our way of life.

With that, I am ready to take your questions.

Source – NATO

NATO leaders meet with key partners to address global challenges, Indo-Pacific partners participate in a NATO Summit for the first time

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