Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Brussels, 23 July 2024

On Tuesday, MEPs of the Human Rights Subcommittee elected their Chair as well as two members of its bureau for the coming two and a half years.

Mounir Satouri (Greens/EFA, France), was elected as Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) on Tuesday, by acclamation.

I would like to sincerely thank my colleagues for their trust in electing me subcommittee Chair. It is a great source of pride, but also a huge responsibility. Since the birth of the European project, human rights have never been so endangered, whether we look at Gaza or Ukraine. I am keen on making our subcommittee a credible body that fights against double standards and stands side by side with democratic forces. Our mission is to support international justice and human rights defenders around the world. We will be determined in monitoring respect for human rights in the EU’s external policies, from migration to trade, M. Satouri said after the vote.

MEPs of the subcommittee on Human rights also elected two subcommittee vice-chairs by acclamation :

– First vice-chair Marta Temido (S&D, Portugal),
– Second vice-chair Łukasz Kohut (EPP, Poland).

The third and fourth vice-chairs will be elected at a forthcoming meeting.


The constitutive meetings of the European Parliament’s standing committees and subcommittees took place in Brussels on 23 July 2024, following the appointments of their members in the plenary sitting of 16-19 July.

According to the Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament (Rule 219), each committee and subcommittee elects its respective bureau, made up of a Chair and Vice-Chairs, for a two-and-a-half year mandate. The newly set up committees will then start holding their regular meetings.

You can find the full list of the members of the Subcommittee on Human Rights here.

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