Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Birgit Sippel, responsible for screening regulation, and Juan Lopez Aguilar, responsible for crisis regulation, will present their draft reports in the Civil Liberties Committee tomorrow.

The aim of the screening regulation, as proposed by the Commission, is to carry out various checks on third-country nationals apprehended in unauthorised crossings of the external border, including identity, security, health and vulnerability checks. It also introduces a legal fiction of non-entry as well as foresees that the competent authorities would have the right to query and access to various EU migration databases. During the discussion on 30 November, MEPS will present their reactions to the draft report on the screening regulation and on access to database on convictions for third country nationals, as introduced by the rapporteur, Birgit Sippel (S&D, DE).

You can follow the exchange live between 9h00 and 9h30 here.

In the second exchange, the topic will be the amendments to the crisis and force majeure regulation, as introduced by the rapporteur Juan Lopez Aguilar (S&D, ES). The Commission proposal deals with adaptation of asylum management and procedures due to an exceptional influx of persons to a member state as well as with the possibility of granting immediate temporary protection in cases of indiscriminate violence or a situation of armed conflict.

You can follow the exchange live between 11h30 and 12h00 here.


Presentation of a draft report marks the start of the discussions in the parliamentary committee. The draft report will be subject to amendments and a committee vote at a later stage. The legislative proposals will have to be negotiated and approved by co-legislators, the European parliament and the Council, before they can become law.

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