Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Statement by UKCG co-Chairs and other leading MEPs following the unilateral move by Northern Ireland’s Minister of Agriculture.

“The unilateral move taken yesterday by Northern Ireland’s Minister of Agriculture creates further uncertainty and unpredictability for businesses and citizens in Northern Ireland. It is also unhelpful for getting a stable and durable solution to the issues faced by the people of Northern Ireland.

The UK Government should ensure respect for the international obligations into which it has entered. Reneging on the provisions of these agreements undermines the credibility and trustworthiness of our partners.

The Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland reflects a very delicate and sensitive political balance jointly agreed by the EU and the UK after painstaking negotiations. It is necessary to avoid a hard border on the island of Ireland and to protect the Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement.

Renegotiating the Protocol is not an option. The European Commission has repeatedly shown with concrete proposals that the Protocol is sufficiently flexible to solve the practical challenges experienced by the people and businesses in Northern Ireland. We fully support the European Commission’s ongoing discussions with the UK government to find practical, flexible and lasting solutions for the implementation of the protocol.

The European Parliament has repeatedly stressed its unwavering commitment to the full implementation of the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland. It fully supports the European Commission’s efforts to facilitate its implementation and to preserve the integrity of the Single Market and will keep monitoring the situation closely.”

The statement is co-signed by:

David McAllister (EPP, Germany), Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee and co-Chair of the UK Contact Group;

Bernd Lange (S&D, Germany), Chair of the International Trade Committee and co-Chair of the UK Contact Group;

Nathalie Loiseau (Renew Europe, France), Chair of the Security and Defence Subcommittee and co-Chair of the UK Contact Group;

Pascal Canfin (Renew Europe, France), Chair of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee;

Anna Cavazzini (The Greens/EFA, Germany), Chair of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee;

Antonio Tajani (EPP, Italy), Chair of the Constitutional Affairs Committee.

Further media links from Northern Ireland: Minister Edwin Poots responds to EU audit report EU audit deems NI goods checks ‘not fit for purpose’


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