Thu. Feb 27th, 2025

Brussels, 10 April 2024

  • Asylum claims to be examined more quickly, including at the EU’s borders, and more effective returns
  • Improved identification at arrival; mandatory security, vulnerability and health checks for people entering the EU irregularly
  • Member states can choose between taking responsibility for asylum applicants , making financial contributions, or providing operational support
  • Better response during crisis situations and new voluntary scheme for the resettlement of refugees from third countries

The European Parliament today adopted ten legislative texts to reform European migration and asylum policy as agreed with EU member states.

Solidarity and responsibility

In order to assist EU countries subject to migratory pressure, other member states will contribute by relocating asylum applicants or beneficiaries of international protection to their territory, making financial contributions, or providing operational and technical support. The criteria according to which a member state is responsible for examining international protection applications (the so called Dublin rules) will also be updated.

The regulation on asylum and migration management, by rapporteur Tomas TOBÉ (SE, EPP), was backed by 322 votes in favour 266 against and 31 abstentions. Read more about it.

Addressing situations of crisis

The crisis and force majeure regulation establishes a mechanism to respond to sudden increases in arrivals, ensuring solidarity and support for member states facing an exceptional influx of third-country nationals. The new rules will also cover the instrumentalisation of migrants, i.e. when they are used by third-countries or hostile non-state actors aiming to destabilise the EU.

The bill, by rapporteur Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR (ES, S&D), was confirmed with 301 votes in favour, 272 against and 46 abstentions. Find more information on the crisis situations regulation.

Screening of third-country nationals at EU borders

People who do not meet the conditions to enter the EU will be subject to a pre-entry screening procedure, including identification, collecting of biometric data, and health and security checks, during a period of up to seven days. Member states will have to set independent monitoring mechanisms to ensure the respect for fundamental rights.

The text, by rapporteur Birgit SIPPEL (DE, S&D), was endorsed by 366 votes to, 229 and 26 abstentions. MEPs also approved new rules for the centralised system on conviction information (ECRIS-TCN), with 414 votes to 182 against and 29 abstentions. Read more about the new screening regulation.

Faster asylum procedures

A new common procedure will be established across the EU to grant and withdraw international protection. Processing asylum claims at EU borders will in future have to be faster, with shorter deadlines for unfounded or inadmissible claims.

The bill, by rapporteur Fabienne KELLER (France, Renew), was adopted by 301 votes to 269 and 51 abstentions. For the Border return procedure the result was 329 votes to 253 and 40 abstentions. Read more about the asylum procedure regulation.

Eurodac regulation

The data of those arriving irregularly to the EU, including fingerprints and facial images from six years old onwards, will be stored in the reformed Eurodac database. Authorities will also be able to record if someone may present a security threat or was violent or armed.

The text, by rapporteur Jorge BUXADÉ VILLALBA (ES, ECR), was adopted with 404 votes to 202 and 16 abstentions. More details about the new Eurodac rules are available here.

Qualifications standards

Parliament also backed new uniform standards for all member states for the recognition of refugee or subsidiary protection status, and regarding the rights granted to those qualifying for protection. Member states should assess the situation in the country of origin based on information from the EU Asylum Agency and refugee status would be reviewed regularly. Applicants for protection will have to remain on the territory of the member state responsible for their application or in which the protection was granted.

Steered by rapporteur Matjaž NEMEC (SI, S&D), the text was endorsed with 340 votes to 249 and 34 abstentions. Read more about the qualifications regulation.

Receiving asylum applicants

Member states will have to ensure equivalent reception standards for asylum seekers when it comes to, for example, housing, schooling and health care. Registered asylum applicants will be able to start working at the latest six months after filing the request. The conditions of detention and the restriction of freedom of movement will be regulated, to discourage applicants from moving around the EU.

The act, by rapporteur Sophia IN ‘T VELD (NL, Renew), was approved by 398 votes to 162 and 60 abstentions. Read more about the reception conditions directive.

Safe and legal way to Europe

Under a new framework on resettlement and humanitarian admission, member states will, on a voluntary basis, offer to host UNHCR-recognised refugees from third countries, who would travel to EU territory in a legal, organised and safe way. The bill, by rapporteur Malin BJÖRK (SE, The Left), was adopted with 452 votes in favour, 154 against and 14 abstentions. Read more about the EU resettlement framework.

Next steps

Once the package is formally approved by the Council, the laws will enter into force after their publication in the Official Journal. The regulations are expected to start applying in two years time. For the reception conditions directive, member states will have two years to introduce the changes to their national laws.

In adopting this report, Parliament is responding to citizens’ expectations to strengthen the EU’s role in tackling all forms of irregular migration and strengthen the protection of the European Union’s external borders, while respecting human rights, to apply common rules uniformly in all member states on the first reception of migrants, to strengthen the EU’s role and reform the European asylum system based on the principles of solidarity and fair share of responsibility, as expressed in proposals 42(2), 43(1), 43(2), 44(1), 44(2), 44(3), 44(4) of the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

Statement by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference with President Metsola and Belgian Prime Minister De Croo on the adoption of the Pact on Asylum and Migration

Brussels, 10 April 2024

Today is indeed a historic day. After years of intense work, the Pact on Migration and Asylum becomes a reality. It is a huge achievement for Europe. And this excellent achievement is built on the outstanding work of so many. So let me start by thanking Vice-President Schinas and Commissioner Johannsson for your amazing and tireless work. You and your teams have worked so hard over so many years to make this day happen. Dear Roberta, I also want to thank you and the European Parliament for your dedication and for the excellent cooperation. This was really amazing. And I want to thank the successive Council Presidencies, and I start with you, dear Alexander, the Belgian Presidency, who got us over the finish line. Thank you so much.

We all understand this fundamental truth. Migration is a European challenge which must be met with a European solution. One that is effective, and both fair and firm. This is what the Pact on Migration and Asylum delivers. It will be making a real difference for all Europeans. First, more secure European borders. Knowing exactly who crosses our borders, by registering and screening everyone, while ensuring the protection of fundamental rights through an independent monitoring. Second, faster, more efficient procedures for asylum and return. This means that those with no right to asylum will not be allowed to enter in the European Union, while those escaping war or persecution can count on the protection they need. The Pact strikes the right balance between stricter rules against the abuse of the system, and care for the most vulnerable. And third, more solidarity with the Member States at our external borders. Because they manage the pressure from illegal migration. So, all Member States will be part of this solidarity effort – but they will choose how best to do it. At the same time, secondary movements within the European Union cannot be allowed. The new rules foresee closer collaboration between Member States to stop secondary movements.

In essence, the Pact is about how best to pull our weight together. We will do it in a way that respects our obligation, as part of the international community, to support those with the right to international protection. We have fulfilled it in the past, and we will continue to do so. But we must be the ones to decide who comes to the European Union and under what circumstances, not the smugglers and traffickers.

With the Pact in place, we have the legal framework we need. This is one leg. The second leg is our operational support to Member States. We will continue to bring them tailored solutions on border management, the fight against smugglers, and returns. And we will continue to respond to crises, from Lampedusa to Finland’s border, from the Canary Islands to Cyprus. In parallel, we will also press ahead with our work with global partners, developing partnerships with countries of origin and transit so that we can address the root causes of migration together. This engagement has become an essential pillar of our work. And it is delivering.

To conclude, I am proud to say: We delivered a European solution. But our work is not done yet. And it must be the same determination and unity that has led us to this day that has to guide us to make the Pact a true success in Europe.

Source – EU Commission


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