Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Luxembourg, 24 October 2023

Amending of Regulation No 1/1958

Ministers took stock of progress on the request by Spain to include Catalan, Basque and Galician in Regulation No 1/1958, which governs the EU’s language regime.

The request was notified to the Council presidency on 17 August 2023, in a letter by Spain’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation. At the General Affairs Council meeting on 19 September 2023, ministers had a constructive exchange and decided to continue working on the request by Spain to amend Regulation No 1.

Since then, the Commission has been requested to prepare a technical analysis of the cost implications of the Spanish request. The Commission confirmed that it is ready to present such an analysis, working in cooperation with the other EU institutions.

An adapted proposal will be tabled.

The General Affairs Council agreed to remain seized of the matter.

Annual rule of law dialogue

As part of the annual rule of law dialogue, ministers held a country-specific discussion. The exchange of views focused on key developments in Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland and Greece.

The country-specific discussions are part of the commitment to make the annual rule of law dialogue stronger and more structured, while fully respecting the principles of objectivity, non-discrimination and equal treatment of all member states. The objective is to have a constructive and open exchange of comments and best practices.

Demography toolbox

The Commission presented its communication entitled “Demographic change in Europe: a toolbox for action”, which sets out policy tools available to member states for managing demographic change and its impact on the EU’s society and economy, including its competitiveness.

The Commission published the communication on 11 October 2023 in response to a call from the European Council in June 2023 to present a toolbox for addressing the impact of demographic challenges on Europe’s competitive edge.

Ministers held an exchange of views on the demographic challenges Europe is facing, with a focus on the EU policy tools and next steps that could be the most effective for addressing demographic challenges and their impact on competitiveness. They welcomed the Commission’s communication and stressed the importance of addressing demographic change upfront.

October European Council meeting

The Council continued preparations for the European Council meeting on 26 and 27 October 2023 by discussing draft conclusions.

At their upcoming meeting, leaders will address:

  • Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and the EU’s response
  • the situation in the Middle East
  • the proposed revision of the multiannual financial framework for 2021-2027
  • progress in boosting Europe’s competitiveness
  • the external dimension of migration
  • preparations for the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai (COP28)
  • specific foreign policy issues
Maritime security

Without discussion, the Council approved a revised EU maritime security strategy and action plan.

The strategy and its accompanying action plan were first adopted by the Council in 2014, with the action plan being updated in 2018. The aim of the revision is to ensure that the EU has a wide range of effective tools at its disposal to address new and evolving security threats and challenges, including growing strategic competition for power and resources in the sea basins around the EU and beyond, environmental degradation, and hybrid and cyber-attacks targeting maritime infrastructure.

Future of Europe

Following the informal ministerial meeting on general affairs in Murcia on 28 September and the leaders’ exchanges in Granada on 6 October, ministers held a working lunch on the future of Europe and preparation for enlargement.

Meeting information
  • Meeting n°3979
  • Luxembourg
  • 24 October 2023
Preparatory documents
Outcome documents
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