Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Luxembourg, 14 June 2022

European health data space (EHDS)
The Council held a discussion on the proposal for a regulation on the European Health Data Space (EHDS).This proposal for a regulation, adopted by the European Commission on 3 May 2022, is an essential pillar of the European Health Union. It aims to facilitate patients’ access to their health data in electronic form and to facilitate sharing the data with healthcare professionals in the EU. It also aims to allow the re-use of such data by researchers, industry and public authorities, in a secure environment and under strict conditions.Ministers welcomed the proposal for a regulation which, once adopted, will provide a stable legal framework to facilitate the exchange of health data within the Union, allowing inter alia to make the healthcare sector more efficient and to advance scientific research. Nevertheless, they noted the sensitive issues arising from this proposal, such as security and protection of data and the need to develop an area of trust for the benefit of all.


Review of the EU global health strategy

EU health ministers exchanged on the EU global health strategy. In light of recent events – including the COVID-19 pandemic and the health and humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine – an update of the current strategy – dating back to 2010 – appears necessary.

On 19 May 2022, the Commission announced the launch of a process to develop a new EU global health strategy.

Ministers welcomed this decision to launch the review process. They stressed the importance of this strategy in redefining the EU’s global health priorities, such as strengthening health systems, preparing for and responding to health crises and promoting the One Health approach. Ministers also called for this strategy to strengthen the EU’s influence on health on the international scene and the coordination between relevant EU actors.


The upcoming challenges of the EU’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy

During an informal exchange, ministers discussed the upcoming challenges of the EU’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy, both in terms of vaccine acquisition at European level and also in terms of international solidarity.

Other business

The French Presidency informed delegations about the state of play of the negotiations between the Council and the European Parliament with a view to reaching an agreement on a draft regulation on serious cross-border threats to health.

The European Commission has provided information on the implementation of the medical devices and health technology assessment regulations.

The Commission also briefed ministers on emerging health threats (cases of severe hepatitis in children and monkey pox), as well as on the health and humanitarian situation in Ukraine (in particular medical evacuations and health support for Ukraine).

The delegations of Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria and Ireland discussed the market entry in Europe for drugs, including gaps in evidence and potential solutions.

The Bulgarian, Croatian, Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak and Slovenian delegations informed the Council about their joint letter to the European Commission on the provisions of the COVID-19 vaccine purchase contracts.

Finally, the incoming Czech Presidency provided information on its work programme.

Meeting information
  • Meeting n°3881
  • Luxembourg
  • 14 June 2022
Preparatory documents
Outcome documents


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