Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025
care, fragile, packaging
    Packaging label: Handle with care! Photo by Clker-Free-Vector-Images on Pixabay

Brussels, 18 December 2023

Packaging and packaging waste

EU environment ministers reached an agreement (‘general approach’) on a proposal for a regulation on packaging and packaging waste.

190kg of packaging waste was generated by each European in 2021. And this figure will grow by nearly 20% in 2030, if things stay the same. We cannot let that happen. Today’s general approach gives a strong message that the EU is committed to reducing and preventing packaging waste from all sources. This regulation is crucial in our path to a circular economy and a climate-neutral Europe.

Teresa Ribera Rodríguez, Spanish third vice-president of the government and minister for the ecological transition and the demographic challenge

The aim of the proposed regulation is to tackle the increase in packaging waste generated in the EU, while harmonising the internal market for packaging and boosting the circular economy. It also establishes requirements to ensure that packaging is safe and sustainable, by requiring that all packaging is recyclable and that the presence of substances of concern is minimised. It also sets labelling requirements to improve consumer information.

In line with the waste hierarchy, ministers agreed on rules to minimise the generation of packaging waste by setting binding re-use targets, restricting certain types of single-use packaging and requiring economic operators to reduce the packaging used to the necessary minimum.

Soil monitoring law

Ministers held a policy debate on a proposal for the first-ever EU soil health law. The proposal sets the long-term objective of having all soil ecosystems across the EU in good condition by 2050, in line with the EU soil strategy for 2030.

It lays down binding requirements for the monitoring and assessment of soil health to establish a comprehensive monitoring framework for all soils across the EU. The new rules will also address sustainable soil management and the restoration of contaminated sites.

Ministers welcomed the proposal and agreed with the importance of having EU-level legislation focused on soil monitoring and resilience. They exchanged views on how the proposed soil monitoring framework could help improve soil health within the foreseen timeframe and on the level of ambition in tackling soil contamination.


EU forest monitoring framework

EU environment ministers also discussed a Commission proposal to establish an integrated EU-wide forest monitoring system.

The monitoring framework will ensure harmonised data on the condition and management of EU forests and will cover all forests and other wooded land across the EU. The proposed regulation also aims to support member states in establishing and updating voluntary integrated long-term forest plans.

Ministers focused their interventions on whether they consider the proposed forest monitoring framework to be adequate and effective, the most relevant aspects to bridge existing knowledge gaps, and how to cost-effectively implement the future regulation.


Other business

Over lunch, ministers were joined by Prof. Ottmar Edenhofer, chair of the European scientific advisory board on climate change, to discuss the 2040 climate target. Ministers heard from Prof. Edenhofer on the main results of the board’s advice on the 2040 target and from the Commission on its plans for the coming months.

Under ‘other business’, the presidency informed ministers about the ongoing progress on two legislative proposals: the revision of the air quality directive and the regulation on an EU carbon removals certification framework.

The Commission and the presidency also reported on the main recent international meetings:

  • fourth meeting of the intersessional process considering the Strategic Approach and sound management of chemicals and waste beyond 2020 (3) and the fifth session of the international conference on chemicals management (ICCM5) (Bonn, Germany, 23 – 29 September 2023)
  • COP 5 – fifth Minamata convention on mercury (Geneva, Switzerland, 30 October – 3 November 2023)
  • third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution (Nairobi, Kenya, 13 – 19 November 2023)
  • COP28 (Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 30 November – 12 December 2023)

The Commission presented its assessment of the national energy and climate plans (NECPs) and Horizon Europe EU Missions as a tool for local climate action.

The Netherlands and France informed ministers on the Greater North Sea Basin initiative, which was established in November 2023.

The Bulgarian delegation informed ministers on the high-level Youth and Climate Action event which was held on 8 December in the margins of COP28.

The Belgian delegation informed ministers on the work programme of its incoming presidency.

Meeting information
  • Meeting n°3998
  • Brussels
  • 18 December 2023
  • 10:00
Preparatory documents
Outcome documents
Press releases


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